Page 42 - The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice
P. 42


                                  Creating and

                         Managing Tension

             If you can serve, seize, lash, and coil, and if you  and efficiency are determined by the appropriate-
             understand the materials involved, you’re well on  ness of your choices and by the size and health of
             your way to becoming a rigger; everything from here  the gear, so experience and a healthy respect for the
             on is a matter of elaborating on what you already  forces you are dealing with are important. Choosing
             know. You can do much to elaborate on your rig-  the proper pulling gear is a form of design.
             ging know-how simply by mastering the concept of   Rope is the running part of running rigging. It
             “tension.” A rig accomplishes its main purpose if it  comes in so many forms, and is made from so many
             creates, contains, and directs tension efficiently.  materials, that it’s understandable that the majority
                 Tension is not always as readily apparent as it  of vessels sport less-than-ideal running rigging. The
             is in the bar-taut weather shrouds of a sailboat on a  rigger’s first job here is to get the right rope for every
             hard beat. Riggers learn to recognize its many more  job, and that can come only with a thorough under-
             subtle manifestations. In the “Lashing” section of  standing of the options.
             Chapter 1 we examined several methods of increas-
             ing tension to hold an object securely in place. Here
             we will look at ways of creating greater tension than   ROPE CONSTRUCTION
             can be supplied by wedging, frapping, or Trucker’s      AND MATERIALS
                 When it’s puny you against big, heavy, ornery  Always choose the highest-quality, appropriately
             them, you need an advantage. A mechanical advan-  elastic (or inelastic), longest-lived running rigging
             tage, that is, for all the heavy-duty hoisting, drag-  that suits your vessel.
             ging, stretching, and tightening jobs that rigging   Running rigging is subject to the same consider-
             and sailing entail. For a lot of tension, advantage  ations that standing rigging is (including economic
             is usually provided by some form of either lever or  ones); and inelasticity and longevity come dear.
             inclined plane, or by both of these fundamental ten-  Ground tackle is different only in that you want it to
             sion-gaining tools in combination. Which ones you  stretch as well as to be strong.
             use for a given situation depend on how fast you   Weight and windage matter as much with run-
             want something how tight, with what degree of con-  ning rigging as with standing rigging; rope is rel-
             trol, over what distance, and at what expense. Safety  atively light, but there is a lot of it up there, and

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