Page 46 - The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice
P. 46

Characteristics: Halyards, Sheets, and Other Control Lines

               We have such a wide variety of ropes because there are   are much less elastic than a single-braid, cost just pen-
               so many jobs for rope to do, because each of us—and   nies more per foot, and are more durable. Sta-Set-X
               each of our boats—sets differing priorities, and because   is stiff, but this is not objectionable for halyards since
               each of us is willing to spend more or less money to effect   you’re not constantly handling them.
               those priorities. Accordingly, the accompanying chart   A sailor with a performance cruiser and a less-
               is meant to illustrate rope characteristics, not to recom-  constrained budget would do well to go with one of the
               mend selection; the ideal rope for a given job is largely a   exotics such as Spectra for halyards (teensy stretch, long
               matter of who you are.                       life), double-braid for jibsheets (low stretch, strong for
                 For example, let’s say you’re a sailor on a limited   its size, supple), and single-braid for multipart purchases
               budget, with a low-tech daysailer. You might make all   (stretch isn’t an issue, but handling is).
               your halyards and sheets out of a single-braid rope such   And so on. In every instance, the nature of the boat,
               as Regatta Braid. As the chart shows, it is very supple,   and of those who sail it, will determine what the run-
               stronger and less elastic than three-strand, fairly durable,   ning rig inventory will look like. And the options above
               and low-priced.                              cover only a few variables; you might also throw in color
                 If you were a sailor who put a higher premium on   coding, stripping the Dacron cover off an exotic to save
               performance but didn’t want to pay for it, you might    weight and windage, or any number of other customiza-
               stay with Regatta Braid for your sheets, vang, and trav-  tion wrinkles. But it all starts with knowing the charac-
               eler lines, but go with VPC or Sta-Set-X (see sidebar,    teristics of the stuff you’re dealing with.
               page 23) for your halyards. The chart shows that these


                more expensive              double-braid                 VPC

                  3-strand                              Sta-Set-X
                 less expensive

                           weaker for its size                        stronger for its size

               KEY                                           Performance and cost numbers based on lines of approxi-
               Height = Expense                              mately equal strength, not size.
               Width = Performance (inelasticity)
               Distance to right = Strength per diameter     With sheets and halyards, “durability” means UV resis-
               Curviness = Handling (more curvaceous, better handling)  tance, as well as resistance to chafe. Three-strand and
               Dark shading = Least durable                  single-braid expose all yarns to sun; double-braid, half;
               Light shading = More durable                  Stay-Set-X and exotics, none. Exotics have toughest covers.
               No shading = Most durable

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