Page 57 - Insurance Times August 2023
P. 57

Insurance Caselaws

          CCI Closed Complaint Against IRDAI And Multiplier Method For Compensation
          IIISLA,  Citing  Regulatory  Nature  of Not  Restricted  to  Motor  Accident

          Functions                                           Deaths,  Also  Applicable  To  Serious
          In a significant ruling, the Competition Commission of India Injuries: Kerala High Court
          (CCI) has refused to interfere in  IRDAI's regulatory functions,
                                                              The Kerala High Court recently held that while computing
          disposing off an information case alleging anti competitive  compensation in motor accident cases, the multiplier
          arrangement between insurance regulator and the Indian  method proposed by the Supreme Court in Sarla Verma v.
          Institute of Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors (IIISLA).  Delhi Transport Corporation remains applicable even if the
                                                              accident resulted in serious injuries instead of death. Justice
          The informant - Shrikant Ishwar Mende - was aggrieved by
                                                              C. Jayachandran clarified that the purpose of adopting the
          the alleged anti-competitive arrangement between IRDAI
                                                              multiplier method was to achieve uniformity and consistency
          and IIISLA , which resulted in non-renewal of his licence to
                                                              in compensation assessments, regardless of the nature of
          act as Surveyor and Loss Assessor by IRDAI.
                                                              the injury.
          As per  the informant, IRDAI  had  created a statutory
                                                              "The very purpose of adopting the multiplier method in Sarla
          monopoly in favour of IIISLA by mandating the membership
                                                              Verma (supra) is to do away with the considerable variation
          as an eligibility criterion for grant and renewal of licenses
                                                              and inconsistency in assessing compensation and also to
          and IIISLA had abused its dominant position by withholding
                                                              bring uniformity and consistency....the Honourable Supreme
          the grant of membership due to non payment of past dues
                                                              Court (has) opined that following the multiplier method will
          of annual subscription to IIISLA.
                                                              subserve the  cause  of justice, avoiding  unnecessary
          IIISLA is a body promoted by IRDAI in the discharge of its  contentions before the Tribunals and Courts. If this be the
          functions under the IRDAI Act. Membership of IIISLA was  logic for adopting the multiplier method, can any change in
          made mandatory by IRDAI for grant and renewal of licence  the legal position be conceded for the reason that the result
          for Surveyors and Loss Assessors.                   of the accident is an injury - especially in cases of serious
                                                              injuries - instead  of a death? The answer to  the above
          "Such functions, being regulatory in nature, are not per se
                                                              question is surely negative, in the estimation of this Court,
          amenable within the jurisdiction of the Commission as held
                                                              having regard to the logic and purpose behind adopting the
          by the Hon'ble Delhi High Court in its judgement dated 2-6-
                                                              multiplier method."
          2023 in the case of Institute of Chartered Accountants of
                                                              The multiplier method involves the ascertainment of the loss
          India  vs Competition Commission of India &ors", said a CCI
                                                              of  dependency(multiplicand)  and  capitalizing  the
          order issued recently.
                                                              multiplicand  by an  appropriate multiplier. It  involves
          It maybe recalled that the  Delhi High Court had last month  determining the financial loss, selecting a multiplier based
          ruled that regulatory powers exercised by statutory bodies  on the expected duration of support, and calculating the
          are not subject to competition watchdog's oversight.  appropriate capital sum to cover the annual support during
                                                              that period. This ensures that the compensation adequately
          Delhi High Court had highlighted that CCI's power is for
                                                              reflects the loss of dependency and is fair to the affected
          regulating of markets and it does not extend to addressing
          any grievance regarding arbitrary action by any statutory
          authority.                                          On the other hand, the split multiplier method is a variation

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