Page 59 - Insurance Times August 2023
P. 59


          IRDAI Corner

          Guidelines on Remuneration of Directors                    respect to the total remuneration of Directors and
                                                                     KMPs, Variable Pay Deferral, Malus and Clawback
          and Key Managerial Persons of Insurers
                                                                     provisions, Accounting, Disclosures, etc., and
                                                                 c.  issue revised guidelines on remuneration of direc-
                                                                     tors and key managerial persons of insurers.
          A.  Background:
          i.  The Authority issued the following guidelines on Remu-  B. General:
             neration of Non-Executive Directors and Managing Di-  i.  Sound remuneration policy and practices are part of the
             rector / Chief Executive Officer / Whole-time Directors  corporate governance framework of an insurer. These
             of Insurers vide Circular Ref: IRDA/F&A/GDULSTD/155/  guidelines are neither intended to unduly restrict nor
             0812016 on 51h August, 2016:                        reduce an insurer's ability to attract and retain skilled
                                                                 talent by prescribing any particular form or level of in-
             a.  Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
                                                                 dividual remuneration. Rather, they aim to promote the
                 of India (Remuneration of Non-Executive Directors
                                                                 alignment of remuneration policies with the long term
                 of Private Sector Insurers) Guidelines, 2016
                                                                 interests of insurers to avoid excessive risk taking,
             b.  Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
                                                                 thereby promoting sound overall governance of insur-
                 of India (Remuneration of Chief Executive Officer /
                                                                 ers and fair treatment of customers.
                 Whole-time Director / Managing Director of Insur-
                                                              ii.  The Insurer's Board should adopt and oversee the ef-
                 ers) Guidelines, 2016
                                                                 fective implementation of written remuneration policy
          ii.  The guidelines which came into effect from 1St Octo-
                                                                 which does not induce excessive or inappropriate risk
             ber, 2016 provide the framework for remuneration of
                                                                 taking, is in line with the corporate culture, objectives,
             Non-Executive Directors and CEONVTD/MD of private
                                                                 strategies, identified risk appetite and long term inter-
             sector insurers and were issued on the set of principles
                                                                 ests of the insurer and has proper regard to the inter-
             brought out by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), rec-
                                                                 ests of its policyholders and other stakeholders. The
             ommendations of International Association of Insurance
                                                                 Insurer's Board should ensure that such a remuneration
             Supervisors (IAIS), G-20 Nations Forum and Basel Com-
                                                                 policy, at least, covers those individuals who are mem-
             mittee on Banking Supervision (BOBS).
                                                                 bers of the Board, Senior Management, Key Persons in
          iii. The guidelines have been in force for over 6 years and  Control Functions and other employees whose actions
             based on the experience of implementation and com-  may have a material impact on the risk exposure of the
             pliance of guidelines by the insurers, it has been decided  insurer and should not encourage such individuals, to
             to:                                                 take inappropriate or excessive risks, especially where
             a.  bring remuneration of Key Managerial Persons    performance-based variable remuneration is used.
                 (KMPs) other than the CEO also within the ambit
                                                              iii. Further, the potential for conflicts of interests that may
                 of the guidelines,
                                                                 compromise the integrity and objectivity of the staff in-
             b.  give more clarity to the extent of variable pay with  volved in control functions should also be managed. This
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