P. 10

  Big organisations, for the purposes of developing strategy, may conceptualize that
                                 each product is a separate business and give it a distinct operational identity with
                                 specific objectives.
                          2.  Strategies
                               Strategies  should  be  clear  and  identifiable,  fully  exploiting  environmental
                                 oppurtunities, within acceptable risk limits.
                               Some  others  would  want  to  confront  the  market  leaders  and  occupy  an  equally
                                 competitive position.
                               Some  may  prefer  to  avoid  the  more  popular  segments  of  the  market  and  make
                                 offers of a kind not usually available in the market, a specially offer.

                          3.  Programmes and activities
                               Marketing programmes and activities are sequences of actions, which have to be
                                 undertaken to realize the strategies and to achieve the objectives.
                               3  important  factors  to  be  taken  care  of  in  planning  are  consistency,  integration,
                               Growth  can  be  achieved  through  penetration  of  existing  markets  with  the  same
                                 products, development of new markets with new products, or development of new
                                 for both existing and new market.

                   H.  Product life cycle

                          1.  Stages
                               Every product has a life cycle, just like evry living beingn has a life cycle.
                               The product life cycle consist of birth, growth, maturity, and decline.

                          2.  Implications
                               In the birth stage both investment and promotion costs are high without adequate
                               The second optio is to revitalise the product growth by adding new features that
                                 may enhance its attractivness and value, finding new market/users.
                               The four stages of the products life cycle are not uniform length.
                               The  poor  performance  of  a  product  in  the  market  place  may  be  due  to  product
                                 features  not  meeting  the  needs  of  the  consumers,  ineffective  marketing  causing
                                 poor awareness, and /or poor availability.
                               The concept of the product life cycle is useful in developing strategy.

                          3.  Positioning
                               Another concept relevant to marketing strategy is positioning. A product cannot be
                                 everything to everybody.
                               But it is not always that direct experience is responsible for the images.

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