P. 12

  The systems approach is a methodical approach to problem solving that considers
                                 all aspects of a problem.
                               An organisation, like a human body consists of many parts, but functions, not as a
                                 sum total of the parts, but uniquely differently.
                               The organisation is also a sub-system of  the social and economic  environment in
                                 which it exists. An individual insurance company’s activities impinge on the entire
                                 insurance industry as well as on the economy as a whole.
                               Each sub-system of an organisation of an organisation will have its own goals like
                                 immediate profits versus growth in the long term, profit margin versus competitive
                               While  making  marketing  decisions,  there  has  to  be  awareness  of  the  conflicts
                                 between different goals and the inter-se priority amongst them.

                          7.  Holistic marketing
                               The  expression  holistic  marketing  is  used  to  focus  on  the  integration  of  these
                                 dimensions and to ensure that nothing is ignored.
                               Internal  marketing  also  ensures  emphasis  on  internal  customers.  The  concept  of
                                 holistic marketig also focuses o aspects of the environment and social responsibility,
                                 which is dealt with in a later chapter.

                          8.  Analytical tools
                               Systems  have  been  developed  using  artificial  intelligence,  which  can  analyse  and
                                 correlate all activity pertaining to every customer and detect patterns which may
                                 predict future behaviours as well as real-time exposure to risks.
                               Professional  in  analytics  are  called  data  scientists, whose  expertise is  a  hybrid of
                                 many   skills, like mathematics, statistics, data warehouse egineering, data mining
                               Aother  important  development  is  in  the  use  of  artificial  intelligence  in  robots.
                                 Chatbots is the word for robots with whom you can chat. They are already in use in
                                 some organisation with which employee can chat to schedule time off.

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