P. 16
V. Dissonance
Dissonance occurs when the purchaser, after the purchase, starts getting doubts
about the wisdom of the decision to buy.
It more likely to happen when the item bought is expensive; decision to buy was
taken in a hurry.
Insurance purchases are likely to create considerable dissonance, because the
benefits thereform are not tangible, commitment, no long term benefits.
VI. Socio-economic groups
Studies have shown that the market can be divided into 6 groups based on the
socio-economic status of the head of the family like upper middle, middle, lower
middle class, skilled working, working class etc.
Another group is in term of the family life cycle like bachelor, newly married, full
nest, empty nest, solitary survivor.
Yet another grouping followed by Indian researchers is low group income, low
middle, middle, uper middle, higher income.
VII. The insurance customer
1. Claimants
The customer in insurance is not only the person who makes the decision to
buy, but also the person who makes the claim for the insurance money, after
the insured event has happened.
The policyholder is not particularly happy to buy, because the context is one of
loss, hardship, tragedy etc
It is possible that the person representing the insurer at the time of nthe claims
may not be the same as the one who made the promises at the time of the
purchase and may have different ideas as to what the cover really meant.
The claimant would be seeking redemption of the promise made.
In the case of life insurance, the claimant may not be aware at all of the nature
of the promise, if the policyholder had died.
The insurer will ask for information and documents to confirm that the event
has actually occurred and that the claim is genuine.
Thus the circumstances relating to the bussiness of insurance are such as to
cause disturbances, more than satisfactions, to their customers, except perhaps,
when the claim is paid.
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