Page 21 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 21

the presumption that the percentage of insured vehicles in
         both the years is same).                             Therefore the premiums of two different periods  can not
                                                              be compared without considering the effects of inflation.
         Having reasonably satisfied with the correctness of the  Fortunately few indices on inflation are available to facilitate
         extent of increase in the premium rates by different  the conversion of nominal figures into real figures with
         methods, now we can confidently proceed to examine the  reference to a base year. There are several indices in use,
         core issue manifested in the above paras - Which other  each one designed to serve some specific purpose. There is
         factors (as the impact of incidence is already separated  no separate inflation index meant to be used for the matter
         above) have contributed to 28 times increase in the  under consideration. The index being considered here is Cost
         premium rates during 2002-03 to 2019-20? Following paras  Inflation Index (CII) used for ascertaining the capital gains
         attempt to identify and quantify the impact of the such  by the income tax department. The Cost Inflation index for
         other factors which might have contributed for the increase.  the year 2019-20 is 289 against the index of 105 for the year
                                                              2002-03. This Index of 289 in 2019-20 over 105 of 2002-03
         The quantification of the impact of incidence was    represents an average inflation rate of 6.5% per annum. To
         comparatively simple as, ready and reliable, information  confirm the appropriateness of it's use a comparison is made
         (independent of premium mechanism) relating to incidence  with an alternative index (The CPI for India published by IMF
         was available in the data published by Ministry of Road  with a base year of 2010, shows a change of 1.7 times during
         Transport and Highways. Though it may not be so easy with  2010 to 2019, as against 1.9 times change for the same
         respect to other factors yet we can attempt to understand  period in cost inflation index (CII)). This consistency in CII and
         the impact by using available best tools and by deductive  IMF CPI, clearly validates the use of cost inflation index for
         reasoning. Now let us attempt to understand the impact  this analysis. Yet there could also be a suggestion to use
         of inflation on the increase in the premium rates.   medical inflation index which is likely to reflect higher
                                                              increase than the general index of inflation. Some recent
         2. Inflation                                         figures of health/medical inflation are as follows (Published
         Inflation, has been a defining economic feature of all modern  in Business Line dated 23rd June 21)
         societies. No citizen can claim its ignorance and nor any
         particular sector can be immune to it's effects.. This  Jun 21       7.7%
         monetary phenomenon constantly erodes the value of     May 21        8.4%   (Headline inflation rate 6.3%)
         money. What can be bought by one rupee today needs two  Jan 21       6.0%
         rupees a year after. Hence tomorrow's two rupee is equal  Dec 20     3.8%
         to today's one rupee. The accident relief provided is intended
         not only to reimburse the expenses caused by the accident  It may be noted that medical inflation index is relevant only
         but also to compensate the economic, personal and social  for hospitalisation expenses arising from accidental injuries
         deprivation caused to the victims of such accident. While
                                                              and not for other components of compensation. Even if we
         reimbursements and income based dependency calculations
                                                              decide to take a higher rate of inflation the impact of such
         automatically compensate for increased costs, the other  higher rate as worked out in "Annexure E" will be as
         components of nominal compensation have to be increased  mentioned below.
         to ensure that the value of real compensation is not eroded.
         Thus inflation contributes to the increase in the amount of  "Every 0.5% higher inflation rate will result into an increase
         claims and thereby to the increase in premium.
                                                              in premium by 0.70  times".

                                                              Thus use of a slightly higher inflation rate will not alter the
                                                              inference of this write up derived, based on cost inflation
                                                              index, but only lays a little greater emphasis on dominance
                                                              (by 0.7 to 1.4 times) of contribution of inflation to the
                                                              increase in premium.

                                                              The table below presents  the inflation index adjusted
                                                              premium figures of 2019-20 along with premium figures of

                                                                      The Insurance Times, November 2021 21
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