Page 27 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 27

Category of Vehicle                    Sub Category                                          2019-20
                                                                                      2002-03  2019-20  without
                                                                                                      inflation could
                                                                                                       have been
          Four Wheeled Vehicles used for carrying passengers for hire
          or reward - Capacity not exceeding 6 passengers  Not Exceeding 1000 cc       285     1653      560
                                                 Exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc  337  1754  594
                                                 Exceeding 1500 cc                     375     2188      741
          Three Wheeled Vehicles used for carrying passengers for
          hire or reward - Capacity not exceeding 6 passengers  Except e-rickshaw      233     1289      437
          Motorised Three wheeled vehicles used for carrying
          passengers for hire or reward - Capacity exceeding 6 but
          not exceeding 17                                                             671     3898     1320
          Motorised Two Wheelers used for carrying passengers for
          hire or reward                         Not Exceeding 75 cc                   106     1064      360
                                                 Exceeding 75 cc but not exceeding 150 cc  124  1064     360
                                                 Exceeding 150 cc but not exceeding 350 cc  138  1064    360
                                                 Exceeding 350 cc                      148     2093      709
          Special type of vehicles               Pedestrian controlled agricultural tractors with HP rating
                                                 not exceeding 6 HP, and Plane Loaders  62     199       67
                                                 Hearses                                19     199       67
                                                 Other Miscellaneous and special type of vehicles  130  879  298
                                                                             Average Rate  298  1754     591

         The Cost Inflation Index 105 in 2002-03 will become  289 in 2019-20 at a rate of 6.5%. At a higher rate of 7.0% (0.5%
         higher than 6.5%) it will become 310. The impact of inflation with this index of 310 will be as follows.

         Average premium rate for 2019-20 is                                                            Rs 1754/-
         Remove the hidden benefit of incidence reduction of 80%                                        Rs 7016/-
         (In the absence of incidence reduction premium should have been 1754*5/1=8770 and 80% of 8770 is 7016)
         The premium for 2019-20 should have been                                                       Rs 8770/-

         Remove the inflationary content (8770-(8770/310*105))                                          Rs 5799/-
         The average premium (without inflation and without incidence benefit)                          Rs 2970/-

         Inflation content of Rs 5799/- on original premium of Rs 298 works out to 19.46 times. Similarly the current premium
         (without inflation and without incidence benefit) of Rs 2970/- compared with premium of Rs 298/- of 2002-03 works out
         10 times (increase of 9 times). This represents the impact of factors other than incidence and inflation. (Since the premium
                                                              is per vehicle the increase in number of vehicles makes no
                                                              difference).  Alternatively it can be worked out as follows.
                                                              Inflation Impact in Rs 1754 is Rs 1163 (1754-591 reflected
                                                              in table above). This impact of Rs 1163 is 19.38 times
                                                              incidence adjusted premium of Rs 60/-.

                                                              There is no specific design or bias in the selection of year
                                                              2002-03 as a beginning point of this analysis. It was driven
                                                              by the availability of Published Motor Tariff Booklet.
                                                              Similarly the last year of the period covered was driven by
                                                              the availability of published official accident statistics.
                                                              Choosing any other year as the beginning period of analyses
                                                              I do not think is likely to make any material difference either
                                                              for the analyses or for its conclusions. The analyses covers
                                                              the period during which public as well as private insurers
                                                              were in operation. T

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