Page 30 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 30

Public from all walks of life  need to act as a watch dog on
         the functioning of insurance companies, be it a government
         undertaking or a private sector functionary, in order to
         prevent misuse of our public money and funds raised for good
         cause of nation building, in order to prevent loss to the
         exchequer.  Even involving our basic fundamental legal rights
         through various acts constituted for awareness and
         knowledge, need to be invoked for exposing such unsocial
         elements existing in an organization or society.

         Underwriting in Insurance
         To begin with the underwriting of insurance, constituting
         initial and basic aspect of any insurance operation starting
         before its actual inception, the way of its business
                                                              causing financial loss to the organization and undue financial
         procurement expenses, that is expected to incur before
                                                              gain to the insured are some of the common acts of
         bringing a customer or a client in to its books of operation,  corruption that the insurance industry is facing now a days.
         seems to be the first baby of corruption in this sector. It
                                                              These intentional lapses committed in connivance with
         serves a lawful way of legitimizing corruption for a corrupt
                                                              underwriters and business procuring agencies, committed
         insurer, by not obliging the pre customer for petty gains  but  not only as acts of errors but intentional mistakes, are
         also  legitimizing its illegal financial gain out of this exercise.
                                                              deliberately done  as a part of their corrupt ethos thereby
         Thereafter, the prevailing official system further strengthens
                                                              encouraging corruption  in Indian insurance industry.
         the apprehension of legalized corruption by way of allowing
                                                              Prudent and safe underwriting has always been a key to the
         payment of commission or brokerage to intermediaries for  success of any insurance operations and that too corrupt free
         bringing in such insurance income to its organization.
                                                              practices in its implementation finally generates much
         Allowing these prevailing practices of financial benefits in
                                                              needed  clean profits that is highly required for the survival
         insurance sector, all happening under the nose of    of the companies.
         government of the day and its regulator, up brings the
         chances of mal practices that breeds the corruption right
         from its inception.                                  Claims Management in Insurance
                                                              Claims management in insurance sector, which is also an
         Further the loopholes and the safety security principles  integral component of functioning of an insurance
         supposed to be followed during the implementation of  organisaton, is no longer an exception to such menace and
         insurance proposals through its IT system process, typically  to illegal corrupt practices, primarily due to involvement of
         creates chances of manipulation, mainly for financial gains  financial transactions and economic considerations. Such
         of the insured,  at the cost of financial loss of the insurer,  financial frauds and economic crimes in existing system of
         ultimately resulting in to unexpected corruption. Employee  claims processing in insurance sector, enlarges  apprehension
         operators who are IT savy  having  knowledge of cyber  of corruption, mainly due to involvement of various third
         manipulations, are most likely prone to such unlawful mal  party intermediaries during these financial settlements.
         practices, mostly done at the behest of insured and also for
         its selfish petty gains,  thereby causing heavy  direct and  Insured at large, without understanding the logics behind
         indirect loss to the exchequer and the insurer.      timely finalization of their claim amount, tend to inflate it
                                                              and rely on to make profit out of such exercise, for which it
         Then misuse of administrative powers by the competent  is assumed to  use insurance as mean of their financial gain.
         authorities, by way of allowing irrational discounts in  This  unlawful tendency prevailing in our society, somehow
         premium rates, disallowing ethical costs and not following  generates willingness, sooner or latter,  among our dealing
         laid down prudent underwriting procedures, hiddenly in  employees,  to indulge in to such illegal practices. Unless
         collaboration with insured, enhance the  tendency of  not timely and regularly sensitized, succumbing to such evil
         corruption. All  such acts of omission and commission for  menace not only take little time but involve an easy process

          30  The Insurance Times, November 2021
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