Page 46 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 46


                 BIMTECH  Insurance Colloquium - 2021 -Combating

                       Challenges in emerging Insurance Scenarios

         T         he fifth edition of fancied BIMTECH INSURANCE  In his Keynote address, Mr. G. N. Bajpai, Former Chairman

                                                              SEBI & L.I.C., reminded the audience that the current
                   COLLOQUIUM was held on a virtual platform on
                                                              situation exposed societies to risks and opportunities in a
                   October 8th, 2021, with the passionate theme
                   of "Combating challenges in the emerging
                                                              a rapid transformation, and insurance companies that
         Insurance scenarios: A perspective post-Pandemic. It  changing landscape. The risk landscape was going through
         received a tumultuous response from the viewers both from  democratized risk saw business models change. A peep into
         India and abroad. The Program of Insurance Business  the customer's mind emerging from his aspirations and
         Management of Birla Institute of Management Technology  patterning products accordingly is immensely becoming
         (BIMTECH)  organizes this eagerly awaited annual event  problematic in the face of changing lifestyle. Insurers should
         every year in the month of October.                  gauge the risk seminating from an individual's lifestyle and
                                                              come out with suitable products.
         In his welcome address in the inaugural session, Dr.
         Harivansh Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH, articulated the  The first-panel discussion was on the theme of "Combating
         impact of the pandemic on economies and societies. Dr.  Challenges in the emerging Insurance Scenarios: Way
         Chaturvedi felt that the healthcare sector was under severe  forward to Health Insurance/Healthcare.". The panel
         stress, and serious efforts were needed to address this  discussion focused on healthcare's key challenges, including
         gnawing problem. He complemented the Insurance business  the surge in chronic healthcare expenditure due to
         management program for choosing a well-thought-out   demographic and epidemiological shifts, with Covid further
         theme for the Colloquium. According to him, climate change  compounding  this problem. An enhanced customer
         awareness was necessary, and society should consider what  experience requires moving away from over-reliance on
         kind of legacy the present generation leaves for our future  episodic hospital and specialty care. It calls for all inclusive
         generations.                                         new care models across the care continuum focus on
                                                              prevention and health promotion, proactive management
         In his theme address, Mr. Saurabh Mishra, Joint Secretary,  of chronic disease, and home-based alternatives to hospitals
         D.F.S. (Ministry of Finance) Government of India, too, felt  or long-term residential care.
         the theme was relevant in the current times we were living
         in. He thought that it was time we looked at loopholes  The panel discussion was moderated by Prof( Dr) Abhijit K.
         exposed in the health infrastructure during the pandemic  Chattoraj, Dean (SW&SS),& Chairperson-PGDM-IBM -
         and ensured the availability of health facilities in the future.  BIMTECH  and chaired by Mr. Suresh Mathur -Executive
         A mindset of protection and prevention needs to be   Director-IRDAI.  Mr. Kiran Anandampillai, Advisor
         indoctrinated to meet the challenges in the future. The  Technology at the National Health Authority (N.H.A.), Mr.
         underprivileged had faced the brunt of the pandemic, and  Syed Moinuddin Ahmed, Managing Director, G.D. Assist &
         corporates need to look beyond balance sheet profits  Additional Managing Director, Green Delta Insurance Co.
         towards these sections. Sustainable Action goals are more  Ltd. Bangladesh, Dr. Nishant Jain, Programme Director
         relevant now, and the insurance sector has an essential role  German Development Cooperation Agency (G.I.Z.) and Mr.
         in this area.                                        Joydeep Roy, PwC Global Leader-Health Insurance & PwC

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