Page 50 - Insurance Times November 2021
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              IRDAI Circular

         Maintenance of Current Accounts in                      purpose of premium collection, management expenses,
                                                                 policy payments, investment operations, etc., for the
         multiple banks by Insurers
                                                                 convenience of the policyholders and for the ease of
         IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/262/10/2021                          doing business.
                                             Date:06-10-2021  4. The Audit Committee of the Insurers shall review
                                                                 annually the need for having multiple current accounts
         1. Insurers maintain separate current accounts with banks  and rationalization, if any, as may be required.
             at different operational levels, i.e., Branch offices,
                                                              5. This circular is issued in exercise of the powers
             Controlling offices, Corporate office, etc., for the
                                                                 conferred under Section 14 (2) (e) of the IRDA Act,
             purpose of premium collection, management expenses,
             policy payments, investment operations, etc.
             Maintenance of current accounts at different     S N Rajeswari
             operational levels for specific purposes helps the insurers  Member- F&A (In-charge)
             in managing funds, reconciliation of transactions and  Public Disclosures by Insurers
             servicing claims of policyholders efficiently.
         2. RBI, vide its circular ref: RBI/2020-21/20 DOR.No.BP.BC/  IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/256/09/2021
             7/21.04.048/2020-21 dt. 6th Aug. 2020 on “Opening of                                Date:30-09-2021
             Current Accounts by Banks – Need for Discipline”, has
             instructed banks not to open current accounts for  1. The Authority (IRDAI) had issued circulars ref: IRDA/
             customers who have availed credit facilities in the form  F&I/CIR/F&A/012/01/2010 dt. 28.01.2010 and IRDA/
             of cash credit (CC) / overdraft (OD) from the banking  F&I/CIR/PBDIS/105/05/2011 dt. 27.5.2011 on “Public
             system. On a review, vide its circular ref: RBI/2020-21/  Disclosures by Insurers”. Guidelines on Periodic
             79 DOR.No.BP.BC.30/21.04.048/2020-21 dt. 14th       Disclosures were also issued by the Authority on
             December 2020, RBI has permitted banks to open      9.4.2010 and vide circular ref: IRDA/CAD/CIR/245/11/
             specific accounts which are stipulated under various  2012 dt. 20.11.2012.
             statutes and instructions of other regulators/regulatory  2. The revised instructions on Public Disclosures by Insurers
             departments, without any restrictions placed in terms  placed at Annexure A will supersede the provisions of
             of the above mentioned circular.                    circular ref. IRDA/F&I/CIR/F&A/012/01/2010 dt.
         3. Based on the requests received by the Authority, to  28.01.2010, Guidelines on Periodic Disclosures dt.
             avoid hardships, if any, faced by the insurers in   9.4.2010, circular ref: IRDA/F&I/CIR/PBDIS/105/05/2011
             maintaining current accounts with banks, it is clarified  dt. 27.05.2011 and circular ref: IRDA/CAD/CPR/245/11/
             that the respective insurers may maintain current   2012 dt. 20.11.2012 issued by the Authority on Public/
             accounts in appropriate number of banks for the     Periodic Disclosures by Insurers.

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