Page 26 - Insurance Times February 2021
P. 26
D rones promise to be the next disruptive companies are soon going to experiment with these use
technology, with the potential to dramatically
cases under a regulatory sandbox. Despite useful
alter business conventions by introducing new
applications, however, drones can also be a privacy threat
ways of working. In June 2020, the government
published draft drone rules, in an effort to frame and have repeatedly been used by law enforcement
agencies not only in India but across the world to surveil
dedicated legislation around them. Several people from the protestors. Several authorities in India have often not been
industry welcomed the move, admitting that the forthcoming about the surveillance they conduct, using
government was finally "identifying" both the presence and drones.
importance of the industry.
Drones are proving to be efficient and beneficial for public
With COVID-19 related lockdowns in the country, we saw surveillance, crowd monitoring and; in certain areas even
several police forces use drones to surveil streets to enforce for delivery of essentials like medicines. Use of drones may
the lockdown, while some states used drones to spray also become central to various functions of different
disinfectants over areas that were the most vulnerable to businesses in future, where humans may be unable to
the virus. Drones also present an opportunity to carry out perform the tasks. The drone market will grow steadily in
deliveries, which can be crucial for use in cases such as the consumer, commercial, and military sectors. The global
medicine and other healthcare-related services. Several Commercial Drone market size is projected to reach USD
34500 Million by 2026, from USD 6510.8 Million in 2020, at
About the author a CAGR of 32.0% during 2021-2026. Drone technology is
growing as businesses make massive investments.
Jagendra Kumar
Ex. CEO, Put simply, a flying drone is an aircraft without a human pilot
Pearl Insurance Brokers aboard, earning their alternate name as unmanned aerial
JAIPUR vehicles (UAV). Drones are robots typically remotely
The Insurance Times, February 2021