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         Nabard raises Rs. 1,040 SBI raises Rs. 10000 crore                    leadership positions at various institu-
                                                                               tions, including Karur Vysya Bank Lim-
         crore                              via infra bonds                    ited and Citigroup. Prior to joining SIB,

         Nabard has issued India's first 'AAA'  SBI announced that it raised Rs. 10,000  Seshadri was associated with the Karur
         rated Indian Rupee denominated So-  crore after issuing 15-year infrastruc-  Vysya Bank (KVB) in a similar role.
         cial Bonds aggregating Rs. 1,040.50  ture bonds at the coupon rate of 7.54%.
         crore at a coupon rate of 7.63 per cent.  The bank said that the proceeds will be  Foreign firms without PAN
         The bonds (redeemable, taxable, non-  directed towards bolstering long-term
         convertible, non priority sector, unse-  resources for funding critical infrastruc- can open bank A/cs in
         cured, social securities of face value Rs.  ture projects and supporting the afford-  GIFT City
         1 lakh each) of five-years tenure were  able housing segment.         Non-residents and foreign companies
         issued privately to eligible institutional  SBI said that the bank attracted bids of  opening bank accounts in IFSC Gift City
         investors, as per the Development Fi-  Rs. 21,698 crores, a staggering 4.34  will not have to furnish PAN and instead
         nance Institution's (DFI) statement.  times the base issue size, indicating  file a declaration. The nonresident or
         The base issue size of the social bonds  robust demand for these financial in-  the foreign company opening a bank
         was Rs. 1,000 crore, with an option to  struments. The bank further informed  account at the International Financial
         retain oversubscription up to Rs. 2,000  that the investors range from various  Services Centres (IFSC) will have to file
         crore. NABARD said it received bids  sectors including provident funds, pen-  a declaration in Form 60 and should
         aggregating Rs. 8,590.50 crore but  sion funds, insurance companies, mu-  not have any tax liabilities in India.
         accepted Rs. 1,040.50 crore at coupon  tual funds, corporates, etc.   The Finance Ministry has amended In-
         rate of 7.63 per cent.                                                come Tax Rules exempting nonresi-
         The DFI noted that it recently an- South Indian Bank ap-              dents opening a bank account from the
         nounced a Sustainability Bond Frame-  points P R Seshadri as MD       requirement of submitting PAN.
         work, which seeks to finance and refi-                                Gujarat International Finance Tec-City
         nance new or existing eligible green  and CEO                         (GIFT)-IFSC is being promoted as a tax
         and social projects.               South Indian Bank has appointed P R  neutral enclave for the financial sector.
                                            Seshadri as its MD & CEO. He has suc-
         Eligible social projects include afford-                              Nangia Andersen LLP Partner - Finan-
                                            ceeded Murali Ramakrishnan who
         able basic infrastructure, access to                                  cial Services Sunil Gidwani said this re-
                                            served a successful tenure.
         essential services, affordable housing,                               laxation will make it easy for foreign
         employment generation, food security,  With nearly 25 years of banking expe-  companies, NRIs and other nonresi-
         socioeconomic advancement, and     rience spanning domestic and interna-  dents to open a bank account with an
         empowerment.                       tional markets, Seshadri has held senior  IFSC bank.

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