Page 13 - Insurance Times September 2019
P. 13

Private Life Insurance


          Bharti AXA Life joins             ICICI Pru Life Q1 net remains flat at Rs. 285 crore
                                            ICICI Prudential Life Insurance has posted a net profit of Rs 285 crore for the
          hands with Akshaya                                        three months ended June, which indicat5es almost
          Patra Foundation                                          flat growth as compared to the year-ago period.
                                                                    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance had a net profit of
          Bharti AXA Life Insurance said it has
                              pa rtnered                            Rs 282 crore in 2018 June quarter.
                              w   i  t  h                           Total income (premium, investment and other) rose
                              A k sha y a                           5% to Rs 8,319 crore in the first quarter of the cur-
                              Patra Foun-   rent fiscal as against Rs 7,920 crore in the same period a year ago, according to a
                              dation   to   regulatory filing. "Value of new business (VNB) for Q1FY20 was Rs 309 crore. With
          support and contribute to the mid-  an annualised premium equivalent (APE) of Rs 1,470 crore for the quarter, VNB
          day meal programme for govern-    margin was 21% for the quarter as compared to 17% a year ago. The increase in
          ment school children.             VNB margin is primarily on account of increase in protection mix," it said.
          Bharti AXA Life has urged its employ-  The company said it has strong focus on improving the quality of business and
          ees to donate a day's salary and help  customer retention. "We believe our customer centric approach and
          transform the lives of many. The do-  digitalisation initiatives, coupled with the growing needs of protection, savings
          nation will be offered to Akshaya Patra  and retirement for the country's young working population will continue to
          to sponsor meals for school children  drive growth for us," said N S Kannan, MD and CEO of ICICI Prudential Life.
          from underprivileged sections of the
          society, the company said.        Aegon says customer data possibly exposed

          "We have partnered with Akshaya   Aegon Life Insurance said that its website possibly exposed data of 10,000 cus-
          Patra Foundation to support mid-day  tomers. However, the company informed that it is
          meal drive across the country. We  probing into the matter. The insurer further stated
          strongly believe that a full stomach  that the incident was not the result of a hack and
          leads to better learning and powers  Aegon Life does not have evidence that customer in-
          their future with protecting lives to  formation was taken.
          spreading smiles,'' Vikas Seth, Manag-  "Aegon Life Insurance, India announces that a vulner-
          ing Director and Chief Executive Of-  ability on their website exposed information of some
          ficer, Bharti AXA Life Insurance, said.  Indian customers who had used web forms to get in touch with Aegon Life," it
          "We see a positive value in associ-  said in a release. "Aegon Life immediately fixed the vulnerability and has in-
          ating with Bharti AXA Life Insurance  formed all customers of this exposure. Aegon Life estimates that up to 10,000
          for our mid-day meal programme.   customers were possibly affected."
          This association will help us take a  "We will initiate an outreach program in coming days to offer guidance to af-
          few steps towards our mission of  fected customers and to let them know what information was exposed. At
          reaching 5 million children by 2025,"  Aegon Life, data security and customer privacy are of utmost importance and
          said Shridhar Venkat, CEO, The    we will continue to be transparent with customers as we investigate further,"
          Akshaya Patra Foundation.         the company said.

                                                                      The Insurance Times, September 2019 13
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