Page 15 - Insurance Times September 2019
P. 15



          Hurricane response tool           Trov launches "Powered by Trov"

          for insurers launched by          Trov, global leader in insurance technology, is introducing a portfolio of end-
                                                                   to-end digital, white-labeled insurance products de-
          Munich Re                                                signed to be rapidly deployed by financial organiza-
                                                                   tions and insurers.
                                                                   Lloyds Banking Group will partner with Trov. Later
                                                                   in 2019, Trov and Lloyds Banking Group will release
                                                                   an innovative insurance product designed around
                                            the evolving lifestyle of modern, connected UK consumers.
                                            The platform comprises four core insurtech modules, including Policy Sales
                                            (quoting, binding, billing, and adjustments), Claims (consumer and business
          Munich Reinsurance Co. has recently  interfaces), CRM (customer management), and Business Intelligence (conver-
          launched a suit of damage prediction  sion, engagement and risk analytics).
          and claims services, which has been
          specially designed for insurers to use  With the launch of Powered by Trov, the San Francisco-headquartered technol-
          before and after hurricane losses.  ogy company is establishing itself as the preferred international partner for in-
                                            surers and financial services enterprises seeking to go to market with innovative
          Among the resources developed by  insurance products and capture a new generation of consumers. Trov's white-
          the reinsurer’s Remote Industries  label products are infused with award-winning user experience design, take ad-
          team are:  damage predictions using  vantage of Trov's expertise in on-demand coverages, and offer a means by which
          aerial imagery and machine learning  incumbents can innovate with little to no integration with legacy platforms.
          starting four days prior to an ex-
          pected hurricane, aerial views avail-  Lloyd’s selects 11 InsurTech disruptors for its ‘bold new
          able after the hurricane hits but
          prior to claims adjusters entering  strategy’
          the affected area and damage as-  Lloyd’s has selected 11 successful teams of InsurTech disruptors, out of more
          sessments provided via machine    than 130 applications were received from across the
          learning algorithms.              world for the third cohort of the Lloyd’s Lab. As part
                                            of its future strategy, Lloyd’s has recently commit-
          The services are available in United
                                            ted to expanding the scope of the Lloyd’s Lab. The
          States, including the U.S. Virgin Is-
                                            eleven successful teams are aligned with this strat-
          lands and Puerto Rico, the Bahamas  egy and will start working in the Lab as part of a ten-week programme begin-
          and the Cayman Islands, a Munich  ning from September 2.
          Re statement said.
                                            The InsurTech start-ups are committed to finding solutions with the potential
          The services, which are provided by  to contribute to the ecosystem of services as part of the future at Lloyd’s vi-
          MR Service GmbH, a wholly owned   sion, including ways to enhance data sharing and provide new sources of risk
          subsidiary of Munich Re, are avail-  insight; pricing and risk models to help Lloyd’s market participants better un-
          able to commercial and residential  derstand threat scenarios; and ways to reduce the cost of processing claims
          insurers, the statement said.     as well as the burden of compliance and regulation.

                                                                      The Insurance Times, September 2019 15
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