Page 20 - Insurance Times September 2019
P. 20



          DELUGE'… ARE


         T         he current scenario in 90% of the Sub-Continent  Burning Cost Concept in Rating Risks with such a

                   of India in the months of July-August 2019
                                                              challenging scenario?
                   reveal an outrageous form of Acts of God perils
                   of Rainstorms- Floods- Deluge….
                                                              The basic question that arises is whether these AOG Perils
                                                              have remained Insurable and Reinsurable by National
         Since 2013-14 to 2019-20, these Natural Catastrophe Perils  Insurance Industry as well as National and International
         have been playing havoc every year in various parts of the  Reinsurance Industries worldwide?
         Sub-Continent of India. A question arises: "How to treat
         these AOG Perils as Insurable or Reinsurable when no  All remedial measures have proved to be insufficient!
         revisions in premiums are 'adequate' to cover these perils
         occurring every year with unprecedented severities and  Not only in India but in entire Asia, these perils pose same
         frequencies?"                                        scenario! Africa is also not spared with Cyclone IDAI of March
                                                              2019, spreading from Mozambique to Zimbabwe, Malawi
         Rating of the Risks covering these AOG Perils is a big  and Madagascar. The flooding has been in Mozambique with
         challenge! When such catastrophes occur every year, how  River Buzi playing havoc with 1.7 million people as victims
         to have a Rating on Payback Period bases? How to consider  of the disaster and the aerial views described the floods as
                                                              "Inland Oceans extending for Miles and Miles."
                               About the author
                                                              All corrective measures to cap NAT CAT Events of Less
                          K. L. Naik                          Limits, reduce commissions with NIL Profit Commissions
                          Director                            etc. in Proportional Treaties and even CAT Excess of Loss
                          Naik Consultancy & Advisors L.L.P   Treaty Programs with overall pay back periods of up-to 20
                          Mumbai                              years etc. in Non-Proportional Treaties with not more than
                                                              One Reinstatements and that too with 125% Reinstatement

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