Page 19 - Insurance Times September 2019
P. 19

in particular retirement and long-term care and it is
                                                              suggested that insurers might assume longevity risks of
                                                              certain groups of people-for example, insuring a pension
                                                              fund against the risk that its members, on average, exceed
                                                              the typical life expectancy.

                                                              As social support systems strain under the weight of
                                                              increasing obligations, it is candid  what lies ahead if action
                                                              is not taken to address the increasing human cost of global

                                                              Social security systems in most parts of the world will
                                                              become ineffective if they are not modernized to become
         assessment that takes into account not just economic  future-proof. There are major impacts arising from
         uncertainty, but also significant demographic shifts, like  demographic change as well as the new world of working.
         increased population life spans.                     The question to answer is who-employer, employee,
                                                              government, society as a whole or the private insurance
         "While this is a positive development for mankind, it  and reinsurance sector-is bearing which risks, and to what
         challenges the sustainability of social protection systems,  extent. R
                                                                                         PRESS RELEASE

               RIMS and Tata AIG team up to deliver Global Risk Management
                                            Education Opportunity

          Development of RIMS-crmp certification prep course underway at Tata AIG Academy in Mumbai, India
           RIMS, the Risk Management Society®, and Tata AlG   Tata AIG will work very closely with RIMS to deliver the
           General Insurance Company Limited (‘Tata AlG’) have  RIMS-CRMP program which includes:
           agreed to jointly develop a RIMS-CRMP Certification prep  Y  Analyzing the Business Model
           course to be administered by the Tata AIG Academy,  Y  Designing Organizational Risk Strategies
           learning wing of Tata AIG in Mumbai, India.        Y  Implementing the Risk Process
           The RIMS-CRMP Certification is the only risk management  Y  Developing Organizational Risk Competency
           certification in the world to hold an accredited status. It  Y  Supporting Decision Making The course is scheduled
           received official accreditation by the American National  to be available in 2019
           Standards Institute (ANSI) under ISO/IEC 17024:2012 in  “Organizations around the world are  realizing the
           2017. The ANSI Accreditation of RIMS-CRMP signifies that
                                                              importance of strong risk management capabilities and
           the Institute recognizes the competence of RIMS to carry  are investing in their people to drive this critical business
           out certification activities in accordance with
                                                              area,” said RIMS President Gloria Brosius,
           requirements defined in the International Standards and
           confirms approval by government and peer review    RIMS-CRMP. “We are proud to gain the support of such
                                                              an important leader in India’s risk management
                                                              community and, with Tata AIG, deliver this exceptional
           Through their learning wing Tata AIG Academy, Tata AIG  educational opportunity.”
           facilitates insurance learning for employees, insurance
                                                              Commenting on the occasion, Sushant Sarin, Executive
           intermediaries, risk and insurance managers, in line with  Vice President & Head, Commercial Lines &
           Tata AIG’s firm belief in the holistic development of a risk  Reinsurance, Tata AlG General Insurance Company Ltd.
           management culture in the Indian insurance market  said, “We are extremely happy and excited of our
           through imparting risk and insurance expertise that  association with RIMS as it reinforces the importance of
           strengthens technical and functional capability and builds  risk management which has become a cardinal
           a talent pool of exceptional risk and insurance leaders.  requirement of the corporate world”.

                                                                      The Insurance Times, September 2019 19
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