Page 6 - Insurance Times September 2019
P. 6

Govt to increase vehicle          Centre relaxes norms for re-insurers for setting up shop
          reg charges massively             at IFSC

          With an aim of discouraging petrol  In a bid to promote IFSC as an attractive destination for investment for global
                            and diesel ve-                        re-insurers, the government has relaxed norms for
                            hicles, phasing                       setting up shops at Gandhinagar international finan-
                            out old ones                          cial services centre.
                            and promoting                         The notification of Finance (No. 2) Act, 2019, has
          electric vehicles, the ministry of                      paved the way for reduction of the Net Owned Funds
          road transport has recently pro-                        (NOF) requirement for the opening of branches of
          posed in a draft notification to in-  foreign re-insurers in International Financial Services Center (IFSC) to Rs 1,000
          crease the two fees in case of most  crore from Rs 5,000 crore. Along with the amendment in the Insurance Act
          categories of vehicles running on  1938, the reduction in NOF requirement is likely to attract global re-insurance
          conventional fuel.                companies operating in financial centres like Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore,
          The new registration fee will be Rs  Dubai, London etc. in order to develop branches in IFSC in India.
          1,000 against the current Rs 50 for  Thus, the above amendment is likely to cause an increasement in the number
          two-wheelers. The renewal charges  of foreign re-insurance players in IFSC, Gandhinagar and lead to onshoring of
          for the same will be Rs 2,000.    international insurance transactions, according to a ministry official.
          Meanwhile, in the case of cabs, the
                                            General Insurance Corporation of India in 2017 opened its IFSC Insurance Of-
          registration fee and renewal charges
          will be Rs 10,000 and Rs 20,000 re-  fice (IIO) at IFSC Gandhinagar in Gujarat, the first and only IFSC so far. Finance
          spectively, with an increase from the  Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her budget speech, announced the
          current Rs 1,000.                 government's intent to make India a hub for aircraft financing and leasing ac-
                                            tivities by leveraging business opportunities available in India's financial Spe-
          The new registration fee will be Rs  cial Economic Zones (SEZs), namely, IFSC.
          20,000 against the current Rs 2,500
                                            Apart from that, the government has provided several direct tax incentives to
          in case of imported motorcycles.
                                            an IFSC including 100% profit-linked deduction in any ten-year block within 15
          "We have sought feedback from all
          stakeholders before notifying the fi-  years and exemption from dividend distribution tax among others.
          nal fee structure in the next 40-45
          days," said an official.          Non-life insurers witness Rs 44 crore loss in FY19
                                            The non-life insurance sector witnessed Rs 44-crore loss in FY19 as National,
          A draft proposal has already been no-
          tified by the ministry to do away with  Oriental Insurance and United India have together
          registration fee of electric or battery-  reported losses of Rs 4,200 crore, which is more than
                                            the collective profits of the remaining 23 companies.
          operated vehicles. Moreover, people
          buying new vehicles after scrapping  The government is looking for a merger and a sub-
          old polluting ones will be exempt  sequent listing of these companies. However, due to
          from paying the registration fee.  their poor financial performance, they will require
          "The proposal of steep increase in  a capital infusion. The performance of the PSU insurers in FY19 is in sharp con-
          the renewal fee for commercial ve-  trast to their financials in FY18.
          hicles, particularly trucks, buses and  The four PSU insurers, inclusive of the listed New India Assurance, reported a
          other heavy vehicles by nearly 27  combined net profit of Rs 2,543 crore in FY18. In FY19, the four PSU insurers
          times is aimed at making people opt  reported a combined loss of Rs 3,628 crore despite New India turning in a Rs
          for scrapping them once they are  645-crore profit.
          over 15-year old," said a government  At the same time, the private insurers have reported a net profit of Rs 3,584
          official. As per the proposal, an addi-
                                            crore, registering a decline of 8%. Industry officials say that profits have de-
          tional fee of Rs 50 will be charged for
          each day, if the owners of more than  clined partially because the industry did very well in crop insurance in the pre-
          15-year-old vehicles fail to get fresh  vious year, which was not the case in the year under review. In addition, un-
          fitness certificate before they expire.  derwriting losses in property insurance have been very high, prompting the
                                            General Insurance Corporation to increase rates in some segments.

           6  The Insurance Times, September 2019
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