Page 7 - Insurance Times September 2019
P. 7



          IRDAI gives nod for insur-        Solvency will be maintained in DHFL insurance arms,

          ers to be part of inter-          says IRDAI chief
          creditor pact                     The IRDAI has stated that it will assure no solvency issues for insurance sub-
                                                                 sidiaries of troubled Dewan Housing Finance Corpora-
                                                                 tion. “We will ensure that solvency is maintained. As
                                                                 of now, there is no solvency issue,” Subhash Chandra
                                                                 Khuntia, Chairman, IRDAI.
                                                                 DHFL has defaulted on repayments of borrowings and is
                                                                 currently working with banks on a resolution plan. The
                                                                 company has two insurance arms — DHFL Pramerica Life
                                                                 Insurance and DHFL General Insurance. Insurers have
                                            been permitted to be part of the inter-creditor agreement with banks.
          In a recent move, IRDAI has given a  Khuntia also stated that the more insurances are needed when there is a slight
          nod to insurance companies to be a  downturn in the economy. “Unlike other sectors of the economy, we should
          part of intercreditor agreements  not look at depressed growth rates,” he said. He further underlined that there
          (ICA) if the companies wish to join  is tremendous scope for insurance penetration and urged insurers to focus on
          it, according to thye information re-  sectors like motor and health insurance.
          ceived from the source.
                                            “We should strive hard to increase growth and should not look at less than
          Since the RBI’s June 7 circular does  15% growth in insurance,” he said, while adding that numbers for the first three
          not specify whether bond holders  to four months of the fiscal have been positive.
          like insurance companies can be a
          part of the ICA, the insurers had ap-  IRDAI issues notice for not buying policies from fake
          proached the IRDAI with this issue.
          However, bankers had earlier stated
          that the bondholders cannot be re-  With an aim of generating awareness, IRDAI has re-
          stricted by RBI's circular from being  cently issued a notice for not buying insurance policies
          part of the ICA. Through their de-  from this fake website:
          benture trustee, insurance players  IRDAI also clarified in the same notice that it does not
          can be part of the ICA, which will act  sell insurance products. Notice issued by IRDAI is titled
          as a financial institution. In the case  "Fake website available on internet" and
          of DBFL, the insurance companies  states: "A website using domain is selling insurance
          having exposure to the troubled   to the public. This domain name is not authorized by the Authority (IRDAI).
          housing finance company had held  Please note that IRDAI authorized website is having domain name
          preliminary talks with the regulator and this website is hosting Centralized Agency Portal. The
          and had sought the regulators ap-  Authority will take action against any entity that tries to sell insurance with-
          proval to be a part of the ICA.   out having proper registration. IRDAI does not sell any insurance products."
                                                                      The Insurance Times, September 2019    7
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