Page 11 - Life Insurance Today April 2018
P. 11

6.  “Cover” means an insurance contract whether in the  5. Board Approved Policy for Protection of
             form of a policy or a cover note or a Certificate of  Interests of Policyholders:
             Insurance or any other form as approved by the
             Authority to evidence the existence of an insurance  1.  Every insurer shall have in place a board approved
             contract;                                            policy for protection of policyholders’ interests which
                                                                  shall at the minimum, include
         7.  “Distribution Channels” means persons and entities   (i)  steps to be taken for enhancing Insurance
             authorised by the Authority to involve in sale and        Awareness so as to educate prospects and
             service of insurance products;
                                                                       policyholders about insurance products,
         8.  “Proposal form” means a form to be filled in by the       benefits and their rights and responsibilities.
             prospect in written or electronic or any other format
             as approved by the Authority, for furnishing all     (ii)  service parameters including turnaround times
             material information as required by the insurer in        for various services rendered.
             respect of a risk, in order to enable the insurer to take  (iii)  procedure for expeditious resolution of
             informed decision in the context of underwriting the      complaints
             risk, and in the event of acceptance of the risk, to  (iv)  steps to be taken to prevent mis-selling and
             determine the rates, advantages, terms and                unfair business practices at point of sale and
             conditions of the cover to be granted;                    service.

             Explanation: “Material Information” for the purpose  (v)  steps to be taken to ensure that during policy
             of these regulations shall mean all important,            solicitation and sale stages, the prospects are
             essential and relevant information sought by insurer      fully informed and made aware of the benefits
             in the proposal form and other connected documents        of the product being sold vis-a-vis the product
             to enable him to take informed decision in the context    features attached thereto and the terms and
             of underwriting the risk;
                                                                       conditions of the product so that the benefits /
         9.  "Prospect” means any person who is a potential            returns of the product are not mis-stated / mis-
             customer of an insurer and likely to enter into an        represented.
             insurance contract either directly with the insurer or  2.  Every insurer shall display the service parameters and
             through a distribution channel;
                                                                  turnaround times as approved by the Board in its
         10. “Prospectus”: means a document either in physical or  website and keep the same updated as and when the
             electronic or any other format issued by the insurer  service parameters are revised by the Board.
             to sell or promote the insurance products;
             Explanation: Insurance products referred herein shall  6. Point of Sale:
             also include the riders offered, if any. Where a rider  1.  A prospectus of any insurance product shall clearly
             is tied to a base policy all the terms and conditions  state
             of the rider referred in the definition shall be     (i)  (a)  the Unique Identification Number (UIN)
             mentioned in the prospectus. Where a standalone                allotted by the Authority for the
             rider is offered to a base product, a reference to the         concerned insurance product
             rider shall be made in the prospectus of the base
             policy indicating the nature of benefits flowing          (b)  the scope of benefits;
             thereupon.                                                (c)  the extent of insurance cover;
         11. Words and expressions used and not defined in these       (d)  warranties, exclusions/exceptions and
             regulations, but defined in the Act, or the Insurance          conditions of the insurance cover along
             Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (41             with explanations.
             of 1999) or the Insurance Rules, 1939 or any other   (ii)  (a)  a description of the contingency or
             regulations issued by the Authority shall have the
                                                                            contingencies to be covered by insurance;
             meanings respectively assigned to them in those Acts
             or Rules or Regulations.                                  (b)  the class or classes of lives or property

          Grounding airplanes to cover your butt would never have let Orville or Wilbur change the world. We would still be spending weeks to
                                            cross the Atlantic to do business in London.

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