Page 14 - Insurance Times September 2020
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proximately 2 crore (20 million) fire  the MSME sector, only 5 per cent of  US, it is around 90 per cent. People
         policies issued to MSMES and, hence,  the units are insured. "We want to in-  suffer huge economic losses when
         mandatory cover would be the best  crease protection in this segment from  some catastrophe happens. This risk
         option to start with. The cover would  5 per cent to at least 25 per cent in  can be covered by insuring the prop-
         also be available on standalone basis in  the next couple of years," Khuntia said.  erty, as per the insurance regulator.
         case the MSME has no fire cover," the  On whether the Covid-specific products  "Irdai is keen on a standard product for
         group recommended.                 will be in the market for an extended  dwelling units as the same product will
         They estimated a price of Rs. 1,600-  period, Khuntia said, "We will take a  be sold by all the companies. It will
         2,000 per employee and have pro-   call on this at the appropriate time."  become easier for policyholders to pick
         posed that the premium should com-  He also asked the life insurers to focus  such products as they don't have to go
         mence at Rs. 999 per employee, ex-  on their 13th month and 61st month  through voluminous policy documents
         cluding the goods and services tax,  persistency, as it is an indicator of the  to find out terms and conditions. Hope-
         during the first year with a gradual  company's efficiency. Life insurers have  fully, more and more people will pro-
         annual increase to Rs. 1,596 per em-  to ensure their 13th month persistency  tect their homes," Khuntia said at the
         ployee in 10 years.                should not be below 90 per cent, so  CII Insurance and Pensions Summit.
                                            that not more than 10 per cent people  According to Irdai data, insurance
         Standard insurance prod-           drop out after the first year, and the  companies shelled out an average of Rs
                                            61st month persistency should not be  96,621 per person on claims made by
         ucts on the cards                  below 65 per cent. "The 13th month
         The insurance regulator will come out  persistency of 90 per cent should be  insured Covid-19 patients. Khuntia said
         with a series of standardised products  achieved within one year," Khuntia  that 2.38 lakh claims for coronavirus
         to improve coverage in the under-in-  said, adding: "Our effort should be to  have been filed by the policyholders as
         sured segments and increase the adop-  come back to the older growth rate  of now. Of these, 1.48 lakh claims
         tion of insurance products. It is devel-  during this year because there is more  amounting to Rs 1,430 crore have
         oping a standard term product in the  need for protection now."       been settled by the insurers.
         life insurance space, two are in the                                  The insurance watchdog had come out
         works in the MSME segment - one for  IRDAI working on 2 insur-        with standard health products called
         micro enterprises and other for small                                 Arogya Sanjeevani and Covid-19 specific
         industries - and another for houses will ance schemes for MSMEs,      products - Corona Rakshak and Corona
         be rolled out soon.                another for dwelling units         Kavach - two months ago. Under the
         "The idea is if a standard product is sold  After bringing out specialised insurance  Corona Kavach plan, around 28 lakh
         by all the companies, it becomes much  cover for the Covid-19 pandemic, the  lives have been covered since its
         easier for the policyholders to pick up  Insurance Regulatory and Develop-  launch on July 10, 2020.
         that product," said Subhash Chandra  ment Authority of India (Irdai) is plan-  "We will consider extending the tenure
         Khuntia, chairman of the Insurance  ning to come out with standardised  for Covid policies from March 2021,"
         Regulatory and Development Author-  insurance schemes for dwelling units  Khuntia said.
         ity of India (Irdai). "It will help indus-  and Covid-hit micro, small and medium  Irdai said standard products are
         tries immensely in case they suffer  enterprise (MSME) segment.       launched by the regulator to further
         losses. If the product works well, then  Irdai Chairman Subhash C Khuntia said  increase penetration of insurance in
         after natural calamities, it becomes  two standard schemes are being  India, which is just 3.76 per cent of the
         much easier for the government to  worked out for MSMEs. One is for mi-  gross domestic products (GDP) com-
         handle the situation because the insur-  cro units and another one for small  pared to the world average of around
         ers are able to compensate for the  units. As of now, only 5 per cent of  7 per cent. The regulator is also look-
         loss," he said at a CII Insurance event.  MSMEs are covered by insurance. In-  ing to introduce risk-based solvency for
         India is a hugely under-insured country,  dia has 6.33 crore MSMEs, majority of  insurance companies in the next three
         with only 19 per cent of lives insured,  which are micro-enterprises. "Another  years and allow video-based KYC pro-
         while only 36 per cent of the popula-  standard product is being worked out  cess. Irdai also wants insurers to im-
         tion has health insurance. Also, only 0.9  for dwelling units," he said.  prove the persistency ratio - or con-
         per cent of houses are insured, com-  In India, only 0.9 per cent of the dwell-  tinuation of policies - for the 13th
         pared to over 90 per cent in the US. In  ing units are insured whereas in the  month and five years.  T

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