Page 59 - Insurance Times September 2023
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policies including Bid Bond, Advance Payment Bond and  6. Insurers shall carry out the QIS1 as per the Technical
         Performance Bond, Court Bond and Customs Bond from the  Guidance document with the data used for Actuarial
         public, especially from businesses like Construction & Im-  Valuation as at 31st March, 2023. Technical Guidance
         port/Export.                                            document and requirements regarding associated tem-

         The general public are hereby advised not to undertake any  plates for submission of results, mode of submission of
         transaction related to Surety insurance business with   results from QIS1 exercise along with supplementary in-
         “Surety Seven”.                                         formation is being informed separately to the insurers.
                                                              7. As clarified above, QIS1 results shall indicate initial as-
         Technical Guidance in respect of Indian                 sessment and the Technical Guidance on proposed
                                                                 framework may further be refined based on these re-
         Risk Based Capital Framework – Quantita-                sults as well as suggestions/feedback from the industry.

         tive Impact Study-1                                     The insurers may please note that the Technical Guid-
                                                                 ance shall be for the purpose of QIS1 only and should
                                                  10.08.2023     not be interpreted as indicative of final decision of the

         1. This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred  IRDAI on RBC framework. It is noteworthy that this is
             by Section 14 (2) (e) of the Insurance Regulatory and  a separate exercise and insurers shall continue to sub-
             Development Authority Act,1999.                     mit regulatory returns as mandated by the current
                                                                 regulatory regime as and when due.
         2. Applicability: This circular shall be applicable to all Life
             Insurers, General Insurers, Standalone Health Insurers,
             Reinsurers, Branches of Foreign Reinsurers and Lloyds  Caution to General Public on un-registered
                                                              entity by name Surety Seven providing
         3. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
             of India (IRDAI) has been taking various initiatives to  Surety Insurance
             align the Indian Insurance Industry with the global best                                 10.08.2023
             practices with the aim of ease of doing business and
             finally to achieve the last mile of ‘Insurance for All by  to achieve not only heightened financial resilience but also
             2047’. One of the key initiatives pertains to development  the collective vision of a catalyst for insurers in optimizing
             and implementation of a Risk Based Capital (RBC)  capital utilization and ensuring efficient risk management.
             Framework for Indian insurance industry. As a part of  As a major step towards transition to RBC from the present
             this endeavour, a dedicated RBC Mission Mode team  factor-based model, IRDAI has initiated the First Quantitative
             was constituted with the explicit objective of rational-  Impact Study (QIS1). This study holds paramount significance,
             izing the current capital and solvency requirements.  as it provides the opportunity to comprehensively evaluate the
                                                              potential impact on the capital and overall solvency of the in-
         4. After detailed study, deliberations and discussions on
             global practices including Insurance Capital Standard  surers. A 'Technical Guidance' document has also been released
                                                              which is meticulously designed to guide and facilitate the in-
             and Insurance Core principles of International Associa-
             tion of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), considering various  surance industry in quantification and assessment of risks in the
             other documents available in the public domain includ-  QIS1. A circular has been issued in this regard.
             ing RBC framework of other jurisdictions and submis-  To ensure a streamlined progression, insurers are entrusted
             sions of Economic Capital reports by insurers, discussions  with the responsibility of submitting the outcomes of the
             with various foreign supervisory authorities and exten-  QIS1 within a prescribed timeframe. Subsequent to the
             sive consultation with insurance industry, an initial Tech-  evaluation of the QIS1 findings, the IRDAI envisions embark-
             nical Guidance document has been prepared detailing  ing on successive Quantitative Impact Studies (QIS), a dy-
             the Indian Risk Based Capital (Ind-RBC) framework for  namic sequence that may culminate in the fine-tuning and
             carrying out the first Quantitative Impact Study (QIS1).  evolution of the RBC Framework, ultimately resulting in its
         5. The QIS1 shall be the first major step towards desired  definitive implementation.
             transformation and shall help in assessing the likely  In essence, the IRDAI's strategic trajectory encapsulates a
             impact on the Indian Insurance Industry of the proposed  resolute commitment to fostering a robust and well-calibrated
             framework for quantification of capital and solvency  risk-capital symbiosis within the insurance landscape. By navi-
             requirements following a Risk based approach. The re-  gating this course with judicious foresight, the industry is
             sults of QIS1 shall be submitted by insurers on or be-  poised to achieve not only heightened financial resilience but
             fore 30th November 2023.                         also the collective vision of inclusive insurance by 2047. T

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