Page 54 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 54

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         Fake licences: Renewal won't make it                 had been done legitimately, made the licence legally valid,
                                                              and hence the claim should be settled.
                                                              The District Forum backed Akshay's complaint, directing the
         Akshay Deep Singh, the owner of a TATA LPT-909 vehicle,
                                                              insurer to settle the claim by paying Rs. 1,85,579 for the
         had his vehicle covered under an insurance policy pur-  assessed repair costs and Rs. 5,000 as compensation. The
         chased from New India Assurance's Kaithal Branch. The  insurer challenged this order, but its appeal was subse-
         policy was valid from August 23, 2011 and August 22, 2012.
                                                              quently dismissed by the Haryana State Commission.
         On January 28, 2012, while being driven from Ladwa to  Unsatisfied with the decision, the insurer failed a revision
         Kurukshetra, the vehicle was involved in an accident. Singh  petition challenging the orders of the District Forum and
         informed his insurer and subsequently submitted a claim,
                                                              the State Commission. In its judgment, the National Com-
         comprising Rs. 3,000 for towing charges and Rs. 2,28,319
                                                              mission pointed out that there were four RTO offices in
         for repairing the damaged car. The insurer then appointed
                                                              Hyderabad, but the surveyor had only sought clarification
         a surveyor, who evaluated the loss at Rs. 1,85,579. On Sep-  from one that the driving licence had not been issued by it.
         tember 6, 2012, the insurer repudiated the claim on the  It pointed out that Singh should have made an effort to
         ground that the driver of the vehicle did not hold a valid  verify the authenticity of Ramdhan's driving licence, but he
         driving licence.
                                                              had not done so.
         Aggrieved by the repudiation, Singh filed a complaint with
                                                              Moreover, it noted that Akshay did not even take the plea
         the Kaithal District Consumer Forum. In its defence, the in-  that he had employed Ramdhan under the misconception
         surer maintained that the repudiation was warranted since
                                                              that he possessed a valid licence. Given that Singh chose
         Ramdhan Mewa Singh, the driver possess a valid driving li-  not to contest the revision proceedings lodged by the in-
         cence.                                               surer, despite having been awarded and paid the cost of
         The insurer drew attention to the fact that the licence pro-  defence, the Commission felt that it had no option but to
         duced was first issued by the Hyderabad Licensing Author-  accept the insurer's submission.
         ity, and was later renewed by the Kaithal Regional Trans-  The National Commission further concluded that even a genu-
         port Office (RTO) in Haryana. However, upon verification,  ine and valid renewal cannot legitimise an originally counter-
         it was discovered that the Hyderabad RTO had not issued  feit driving licence. Consequently, by its order dated July 6,
         such a licence, thereby proving the document to be a forg-  2023, delivered by Justice Sudip Ahluwalia and Inder Jit Singh,
         ery.                                                 the National Commission deemed the insurer's repudiation to
         Akshay countered that even if the original licence was coun-  be justified. It set aside the orders of the District Forum and
         terfeit, its subsequent renewal by the Kaithal RTO, which  the State Commission and dismissed the complaint. T


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