Page 49 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 49

at the settlement stage where claim payout/ premium refund crosses a threshold of Rs. 1 lakh per claim/ premium refund.
         Audit observed that in 907 claims settled (Rs. 6.06 crore) out of 2,934 claims test checked, KYC documents were not available
         in the claim files, as per summary given below in the table:
                                        Non-verification of KYC documents

           Insurer     No. of claims       No. of claims where   No. of claims above       Claim amount paid
                    provided by auditee    KYC not verified or   1 lakh where KYC not     where KYC not verified
                       organization          not on record,        verified/not on          or  not on record
                       and audited             as per SLA              record                 (Rs. in lakh)
           NIACL           1,154                  473                     57                      3.11
           UIICL           1,022                  309                     22                      1.48
           OICL             559                    74                     17                      0.93
           NICL             199                    51                     10                      0.54
           Total           2,934                  907                    106                      6.06

         Audit also observed that in 65 claims (for Rs. 66 lakh) of OICL  increased the overall losses. The losses were on account of
         (out of 559 claims), the ID cards issued by TPA did not have  group health insurance policies where premium charged was
         photos of policyholder/ beneficiary, which was one of the KYC  less and claim outgo was more in comparison to retail policies.
         documents. NIACL replied (October 2021) that it has  The Combined Ratio for group health insurance segment of
         instructed all their TPAs to verify the KYC norms at the time  PSU insurers ranged from 125-165 per cent, which was much
         of claims and keep the relevant papers in the claim file. UIICL  higher than the ceiling of 100 per cent prescribed by the
         replied (July/ October 2021) that they have initiated the  Ministry of Finance. The PSU insurers carried out
         exercise to obtain KYC details in all the above cases and put in  empanelment of TPAs but allocated business to non-
         place systems to ensure that no claim, where KYC is  empanelled TPAs also. PSU insurers incorporated their own
         compulsory, is paid unless KYC documents are obtained and  TPA (Health Insurance TPA-HITPA) but the allocation of
         uploaded.                                            business to HITPA by them was minimal.

         14. Absence of Authorization                         PSU insurers took the initiative to have their own network of
         Letter for cashless facility Authorization letters are issued  hospitals by forming Preferred Provider Network (PPN) but
         upon receipt of Request for Pre-Authorization and TPA  even after 10 years, enrolment of hospitals under PPN
         examines the same and accords approval in accordance with  coverage was inadequate. The IT systems lacked appropriate
         the Pre-Authorization procedure mentioned in the SLA. The  validation checks and controls which has resulted in lapses
         definition for cashless facility as provided in para 2(f) of IRDAI  such as multiple settlement of claims, excess payment over
         (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 stipulates that cashless  and above the sum insured, excess payments due to ignoring
         claim can be settled directly by the insurer to the network  waiting period clause for specific diseases, non-application of
         provider to the extent pre-authorization is approved. In 81  co-payment clause, breaching of capping limit for specific
         claims (39 claims of NIACL for Rs. 1.26 crore and 42 claims of  diseases, incorrect assessment of admissible claim amount,
         UIICL for Rs. 0.26 crore) out of 737 selected cashless claims  irregular payments on implants, non-payment of interest on
         test checked in NIACL and UIICL, Authorization Letter was  delayed settlement etc. Implementation of underwriting
         not available in the claim files. However, cashless claim  policy through test check of 188 group insurance policies
         payments were recommended and settlement done. NIACL  revealed non-adherence to outgo calculator and non-loading
         replied (January/October 2021) that they will take up with  for adverse claim experience resulting in undercharging of
         the TPA during review and shall initiate appropriate action, if  premium of Rs.1,548.19 crore in 155 policies and excess
         found deficient and added that it advised TPAs to strictly follow  discount of Rs.9.28 crore in 3 policies.
         the provisions of SLA and ensure that all authorization letters
         are put in the claim file.                           PSU insurers incorporated their own TPA (Health Insurance
                                                              TPA or HITPA) but the allocation of business to HITPA by them
         The losses of health insurance business of PSU insurers either  was minimal. The four PSU insurers have preferred provider
         wiped out/decreased the profits of other lines of business or  network (PPN) agreements with only 2,552 hospitals, much

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