Page 48 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 48

Discounts not given/less than agreed rates given by network provider
           Insurer     No. of claims       No. of claims where agree   No. of claims where hospital   Excess
                    provided by auditee    discount was not given by   gave lesser/incorrect agreed   amount
                       organization        hospital and TPA failed to   discount and TPA failed to     paid
                        & audited           deduct agreed discount    deduct correct agreed discount  (Rs. in lakh)
           NIACL          1,154                      29                            26                  10.14
           OICL            559                       11                            3                   12.57
           Total          1,713                      40                            29                  22.71

         10. Irregular payments on implants                   12. Non-reflection of discount in hospital bills
         Implants are medical devices such as cardiac stents, heart Regulation 20(9) of the IRDAI
         valves, orthopedic implants, dental implants, etc. Cost of such  TPA - Health Services Regulations 2016 and IRDAI circular
         implants are fixed by National Pharmaceutical Pricing  dated 23 June 2015 provided that final bills of the network
         Authority (NPPA) and hospitals. List of documents to be  provider need to reflect discount amount. The format of
         submitted at the time of claim includes invoice for implant  provider bill as prescribed in Schedule D of dated 28 March
         and sticker details for implants as a proof. Test check of 1,912  2016 has a mandatory column for depicting the discount.
         claims revealed that in 26 claims amounting to Rs. 34.98  However, test check of 2,934 claims by Audit revealed that in
         lakh, implants cost allowed by TPA was not supported by  774 claims out of 2,934 claims paid by the four PSU insurers
         separate bills/ invoices and stickers. OICL accepted (January/  (NIACL: 55, UIICL: 287, OICL: 404 and NICL: 28) discount
         October 2021) the Audit observation and stated that they  percentage and amount was not mentioned in the hospital
         have initiated recovery process in three cases.      bills NIACL replied (January 2021) that since the change is
                                                              required at the hospital end, they are verifying the relevant
            Claims where sticker/bills for implants           cases and stated that they cannot insist, since hospitals have
                       were not available                     their own practice. NIACL further stated (October 2021) that
                                                              the TPAs have been advised to work out the issue with hospital
           Insurer No. of claims  No. of claims  Claim amount  to mandatorily reflect the discount amount agreed and TPAs
                  prodived by  where bills were   paid on     need to state discount rate agreed vis-à-vis actual discount
                    auditee    not available for  such implants  given by the hospital in the claim settlement letter.
                  organization  payment towards  without bill
                  and audited    implant cost   (Rs. in lakh)
                                                              13. Non-verification of KYC
           NIACL     1,154           11           17.19
                                                              As per SLA all claim files should, inter alia include Know Your
           OICL       559            10           11.87       Customer (KYC) documents as a part of each claim file. Further,
           NICL       199            5             5.92       as per IRDAI circular (February 2013) on Anti-Money
           Total     1,912           26           34.98       Laundering/ Counter Financing of Terrorism, General
                                                              insurance companies were required to carry out KYC norms
         11. Non-deduction of TDS on claim payments
         made to hospitals
         The insurance companies while releasing/ making payment
         to hospitals for settlement of medical/ insurance claims are
         liable to deduct tax at source under section 194J36 of Income
         Tax Act. During data analysis in UIICL, Audit observed that in
         42,847 claims out of 65,46,129 claims, TDS amounting to Rs.
         14.01 crore was not deducted from payments made to
         hospitals. UIICL replied (July/ October 2021) that they had
         identified the problem and corrected the system and correct
         TDS is being deducted now. Moreover, the Company started
         filing revised TDS returns with Tax Authorities for previous
         years also, wherever anomaly was noticed.

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