Page 43 - Insurance Times September 2023
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countries to actively participate in the global fight against  understanding risk to affordability. As these markets grow
         climate change. This results in a stronger commitment to  and government promotes financial literacy, the potential
         sustainable practices and a reduction in carbon footprint.  for carbon Emission Insurance adoption rises.

         Building Resilience: The insurance sector's risk management  Redefining Insurance in a Changing Cli-
         expertise plays a vital role in helping policyholders build
         resilience to climate change impacts. Through carbon  mate:
         emission insurance, insurers can foster climate change  Insurers are no longer mere risk bearers; they are evolving
         adaptation and mitigation infrastructure.            into partners for proactive risk management and mitigation.
                                                              This transformation requires insurers to move beyond
         Economic Stability for Companies: Businesses navigating  transactional risk transfers to nurturing direct partnerships
         the transition to a low-carbon economy often grapple with  with customers. These relationships would emphasize risk
         financial risks stemming from regulatory penalties and  engineering and mitigation, ultimately reducing the
         reputational damage. Carbon Emission Insurance offers a  occurrence and severity of claims.
         safety net that promotes stability, enabling companies to
         focus on sustainable practices without fearing financial  Innovative insurance solutions are also crucial in addressing
         setbacks.                                            newer and more frequent hazards brought about by climate
                                                              change, including both acute events like wildfires and chronic
         Global Impact on Climate Goals: The collective effect of  issues such as reduced crop yields. Parametric pricing, which
         numerous policyholders committed to emission reduction  insures against specific events of a predefined magnitude
         can yield a significant impact on global carbon emissions.  rather than the value of losses, is one example of a creative
         This aggregated effort contributes to the attainment of  approach to climate risk insurance.
         ambitious climate targets outlined in international
         agreements such as the Paris Agreement.              Stakeholders Driving Transition and Risk
         The power of Insurance in climate Miti-
                                                              Brokers: Brokers play a crucial role in understanding clients'
         gation:                                              challenges, tailoring transition strategies, co-creating
         Although insurance has traditionally been linked to risk  insurance products to meet evolving needs, and expanding
         management, its function is changing to handle the complex  product awareness through their network. They facilitate
         problems brought on by climate change. The insurance  risk transfer and advisory solutions that align with net zero
         sector has been forced to adapt and innovate because of  goals, leveraging their position as risk aggregators to attract
         the convergence of technical breakthroughs, investor  insurance capital and promote the transition.
         expectations for climate risk disclosure and necessity for
         resilient economic growth.                           Insurers: Insurers are pivotal in driving innovation across
                                                              underwriting, products, claims, and risk advisory services to
         Additionally, insurers are under pressure to recognize and  support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Their focus
         manage these risks in their underwriting and investment  on innovative risk transfer solutions is key to accelerating
         strategies as investors analyse companies' climate risks and  broader economic transition efforts.
         call for transparency.
                                                              Reinsurers: It provides vital support to insurers by offering
         Challenges and Opportunities in Emerg-               reinsurance capacity and risk expertise, contributing to
                                                              stability throughout the transition and fostering sustainable
         ing Market:                                          economic growth. They collaborate with direct writers to

         The promise of carbon Emission Insurance is particularly  develop and implement innovative solutions.
         relevant in emerging-market economies. These regions are
         both susceptible to climate risks and often lack the resources  Modellers and Model Vendors: Given the intricate nature
         to withstand their impact. However, establishing insurance  of climate-related risks, risk modellers and model vendors
         markets in these economies poses challenges from     are essential in delivering advanced multi-vulnerability

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