Page 41 - Insurance Times September 2023
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partnering with other industries to provide comprehensive  meant to help the government handle the costs during
             services. For instance, offering insurance coverage from  emergencies like domestic fire incidents where the
             travel agencies or auto suppliers and partners is a good  government provides internally displaced people with food,
             example. This provides customers with a seamless  shelter etc. Furthermore, regulatory initiatives encourage
             experience and coverage tailored to their activities.  boat owners to secure mandatory coverage for their vessels,
                                                              which are the livelihoods of people living in islands.
         e. Speedy Claims Processing: Automation has facilitated
             a new era of rapid claims processing. Customers can  Shifting the focus to governance, the commendable efforts
             upload images or documents directly through apps, and  of the MMA in enacting Corporate Governance Regulations
             back-office staff are readily available throughout a long  for financial institutions mark a positive stride. It is our belief
             period to process claims. In some instances, there are  that the establishment of consistent and robust governance
             insurance providers with advanced technologies, such  practices within the financial ecosystem will strengthen
             as AI, that are powered to assess the damage and  public confidence in the operations of these institutions
             calculate payouts quickly. This holistic approach reduces  through effective implementation.
             the burden on customers during moments that are  Q: Any other information that you would like to share
             often riddled with stress and hassle.            with our readers?
         Q: Are there any emerging trends or opportunities that  A: In the vast realm of industries, each sector grapples with
         you believe will shape the industry's trajectory in  its distinct set of challenges. The insurance landscape is no
         Maldives?                                            exception.
         A: With an increase in homeownership attributed to   To thrive in this dynamic environment, players must dedicate
         government-led social housing initiatives, a greater number  themselves to the pursuit of innovative solutions that outshine
         of individuals are taking a more vigilant approach toward  their rivals. In the quest to stay ahead, unwavering focus on
         safeguarding their possessions and loved ones. This  cultivating customer trust becomes paramount. The healthy
         demographic predominantly comprises nuclear families, who  competition that fuels these efforts encourages continuous
         are inclined towards procuring health insurance, either  elevation, pushing boundaries, and fostering innovation.
         through employer offerings or personal subscriptions.  While competition is undeniably crucial, it is essential to look
         Moreover, this segment aligns with the working populace,
                                                              at the immense value of collaboration in tackling shared
         presenting a vibrant pool of prospects for upselling and cross-
         selling various retail products.                     obstacles. There are common challenges faced by all players,
                                                              which commonly have a negative impact and can question
         The other opportunity on the horizon is public sector  the way forward.  Embracing the power of collaboration
         infrastructure. The rapid expansion of national public  empowers us to collectively address these issues head-on.
         infrastructure projects has given rise to a demand for  This collaborative spirit is pivotal in constructing a resilient
         insurance solutions to protect these critical assets.  industry that stands the test of time and helps build a
         A forward-looking step is to introduce more insurance  sustainable industry, cultivating trust from stakeholders over
         government-mandated insurance policies. These policies are  the long term. T

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