Page 42 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 42

Carbon Emission

          Insurance- A New

          Tool for Mitigating

          Climate Change Risks                                                           Group Managing Director
                                                                                                   Rohit Boda

                                                                                                 J. B. Boda Group

           Carbon emission insurance can be viewed as a financial product designed to mitigate the financial
           risks associated with climate change. It functions as a form of insurance coverage that
           compensates policyholders for damages resulting from the financial consequences of exceeding
           predefined carbon emission thresholds.

         T        he future of our planet is filled with uncertainties  It operates on a very simple mechanism. These insurance

                                                              policies can be purchased by businesses, cities, or even
                  due to the challenges posed by climate change,
                                                              entire countries as protection against the expenses they
                  and its influence on ecosystems, businesses, and
                  communities across the world. The consequences
                                                              The level of coverage and premium rely on a number of
          of our carbon-intensive lifestyles become more evident –  might face if they fall short of their emission reduction goals.
          from intensifying storms to rising sea levels. It becomes  variables, including the activities, carbon intensity, the
          increasingly clear that we need to counteract these  severity of projected climate impacts, and the aim for
          developments. To effectively reduce carbon emissions and  reducing emission.
          minimize the risk of climate change, creative solutions are
          needed to address this pressing issue.              This dynamic involves a collaboration of key stakeholders.
                                                              Insurance companies, driven by both economic feasibility
          Understanding Carbon Emission Insur-                and environmental responsibility, underwrite policies that
          ance: A shield against Climate Peril                incentivize emission reduction and offer protection in case
                                                              of non-compliance. Policyholders, ranging from businesses
          Carbon emission insurance can be viewed as a financial
                                                              to individuals, play an active role in reducing emissions to
          product designed to mitigate the financial risks associated
                                                              avoid penalties while benefiting from financial safeguards.
          with climate change. It functions as a form of insurance
          coverage that compensates policyholders for damages  Benefits of Carbon Emission Insurance:
          resulting from the financial consequences of exceeding
          predefined carbon emission thresholds. In essence, this Forging a Sustainable Future

          insurance policy aims to promote carbon reduction by  Incentivizing Emission Reduction: By providing a financial
          creating a financial incentive for individuals, businesses, and  safety net tied to emission reduction targets, carbon
          industries to take proactive steps to curb their emissions.  emission insurance motivates individuals, businesses, and

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