Page 38 - Insurance Times September 2023
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MVR 1.18 billion (circa USD 78 Mn), as per the published  risk landscape. At the core of our operations lies a
         statistics of the regulator, Maldives Monetary Authority  comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
         (MMA). Currently, this dynamic sector is adorned with the  framework that operates on a bottom-up approach in terms
         presence of five prominent players, each contributing to the  of lines of defence.  The scope of ERM is widened given the
         general insurance industry through an array of distinct  increased level of awareness, changes in the business
         solutions.                                           environment and emerging risks such as cyber security and
                                                              ESG risks.
         The non-medical product portfolio, including fire,
         engineering and hull classes, shows steady and significant  In practical terms, we have established robust underwriting
         growth. Concurrently the industry also witnesses the  standards to evaluate the risks associated with existing and
         increasing demand for medical coverage for both locals and  prospective clientele. Prudent underwriting techniques that
         expatriates, resonating with an exponential growth of 84%  involve the evaluation of prospective customers’ risk profile,
         over the preceding year.                             financial stability and claims history are carefully scrutinized
         Over a period of time, the awareness of insurance has  before issuing a policy.
         created a good demand for numerous products. Swiftness  We have devised strict internal policies to ensure that every
         and simplicity have become a clarion call as customers  single risk that we underwrite shall be backed by
         demand speedy solutions with ease of transaction.    reinsurance agreements. Our emphasis is unequivocally
         Q: Risk management is an essential aspect of the     placed on selecting renowned and rated Retakaful/
         insurance business. How does your company approach   reinsurance markets, instilling unwavering confidence in our
                                                              customers and helping reduce the financial impact of large
         risk management in the general insurance sector?
         A: ATM has consistently demonstrated its dedication to  and catastrophic claims. When many companies go for ‘Self-
         providing risk management solutions to its customers in a  insure’ options, ATM is stringently focusing on entering into
         cooperative and ethical manner. Insurance companies offer  contractswith reputed and rated reinsurance entities.
         what many consider to be risk-mitigating solutions. However,  ATM also conducts scenario analysis and stress testing to
         they themselves encounter a diverse array of risks   assess how the company would perform under various
         necessitating prudent management.                    adverse conditions, which will help us identify vulnerabilities
         Like any other insurance entity, ATM is exposed to a  and areas that require additional risk management
                                                              measures. We also consistently take steps to implement
         spectrum of risks, encompassing underwriting risks, market
         volatility, regulatory  compliance  risks, investment  robust system controls to prevent cyber-related risks.
         uncertainties, credit risk and the specter of catastrophic  We strongly believe that a well-balanced risk management
         events. In order to maintain our financial stability,  strategy will help us navigate uncertainties and ensure long-
         profitability and protect the company’s reputation, risk  term sustainability.
         management measures are essential.                   Q: Technology plays a crucial role in transforming
         The Company’s Risk Management Strategy is to operate  industries. How has your company leveraged technology
         within the risk appetite guidelines set by the Board Risk  to enhance its operations, customer service, and overall
         Committee, which are periodically reviewed, keeping a  efficiency? Are there any specific technological initiatives
         vigilant eye on the evolving corporate and macroeconomic  that you have implemented?
                                                              A: Every industry is capitalizing on technological transfor-
                                                              mation, and the insurance industry is no exception.
             Dynamic technological advance-                   ATM’s diligent effort continues to bring ease to transactions
          ments serve as the cornerstone of our               by digitalizing its solutions. Dynamic technological advance-
           operational efficiency. We steadfastly             ments serve as the cornerstone of our operational efficiency.
                                                              We steadfastly strive to provide a smooth customer journey
            strive to provide a smooth customer               while serving their needs swiftly and conveniently. Our efforts
             journey while serving their needs                have collectively enhanced the service levels in line with
                                                              convenience for our valued partners as well. ATM’s focus on
                   swiftly and conveniently.                  the constant evolution of core and support systems to cater
                                                              to the need of the tech-savvy populace is its key priority.

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