Page 39 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 39

To thrive in this dynamic environment,             Q: As an insurance company operating in the Maldives,
                                                              what are the unique challenges or opportunities you face
            players must dedicate themselves to               in serving the local market? How do you tailor your

           the pursuit of innovative solutions that           products and services to cater to the specific needs of
            outshine their rivals. In the quest to            customers in Maldives?
              stay ahead, unwavering focus on                 A: Over the span of the last forty-five years, this nation has
                                                              witnessed the provision of insurance services. However, it is
             cultivating customer trust becomes               a matter of concern that, up to this point, the enactment

                            paramount.                        of an Insurance Act has not come to fruition.
                                                              We eagerly anticipate the enactment of the forthcoming
                                                              Insurance Act, which is expected to infuse the industry with
         Our initiatives on system automation and the launch of new  positive vibes. We believe in the Regulatory Authority's
         platforms and front-end systems with simple steps have  commitment to its creation, involving industry stakeholders
         further boosted the confidence of users. The nifty platforms  and players. This collaborative effort underscores our shared
         developed over the years are the catalysts filling the vacuum  dedication to fostering an operational environment
         in insurance selling. Our focus on technology has created an  characterized by ethical standards and adequate checks and
         unprecedented market space, penetrating into untapped  balances.
         segments in this dispersed geography.
                                                              Another noteworthy challenge lies in the elevated frequency
         Q: In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis  of claims in both the medical and non-medical categories.
         on customer-centricity in the insurance industry. How  Specifically, the medical class has experienced substantial
         does your company prioritize customer experience and  claims ratios, leading to negative underwriting results
         satisfaction? What measures do you take to ensure    spanning five consecutive quarters. To ensure the viability
         prompt and fair claim settlements?                   of the medical class, prioritizing prudent steps to overhaul
         A: We focus on key initiatives that bring exceptional value  product features and underwriting practices is imperative.
         to our valued customers while also making our business  Likewise, the non-medical categories have also reported
         operations smoother and more efficient.              frequent claim occurrences, compelling the industry to

         Our approach centers on obtaining customer feedback and  revitalize its offerings during policy renewals.
         suggestions to continuously improve our processes. This  Conversely, opportunities abound in the landscape. As
         dedication to improvement ensures that our customers enjoy  economic activities flourish, both the corporate and retail
         a seamless and convenient experience. We are committed  segments are undergoing exponential growth. The industry
         to making every interaction comfortable and satisfying for  is poised for sustained expansion, courtesy of government-
         our customers.                                       imposed insurance requirements for corporations and the

         Swift and prompt settlement of claims in our service ethos.  public. Concurrently, government-led infrastructure
         As the pioneer in introducing cashless services, our  development projects and housing initiatives across the
         customers greatly appreciate the initiatives. This innovation  archipelago pave the way for industry players to delve into
         not only provides direct and immediate access to services  diverse sectors, promoting their insurance/takaful services.
         but also saves valuable time. Furthermore, we build strong  We are focusing relentlessly on meeting and catering to such
         partnerships with carefully chosen service providers,  needs.
         consistently refining and enhancing our processes to create  Over the next few years, we will see a shift in customers’
         an exceptional medical claims experience. This commitment  mindset toward understanding the need for insurance.
         elevates customer satisfaction to new heights.       Recent times have borne witness to interest among the

         Even for general claims, we set high standards, working  public in procuring more non-mandatory coverage.
         diligently to improve our processes and achieve swift claim  Q: With the increasing frequency of natural disasters and
         settlements within an exceptional timeframe. Our guiding  climate change concerns, how does your company
         principle is one of unwavering efficiency, ensuring that each  manage and underwrite risks associated with such
         claim is processed quickly and smoothly, minimizing any  events? Are there any specific initiatives or partnerships
         delays along the way.                                focused on sustainability or environmental protection?

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