Page 51 - Insurance Times September 2023
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             Reliance General Insurance ordered to

           pay Rs. 68.60 Lakh to Shipping Firm by

                     National Consumer Commission

         U         pholding the state commission's decision, the  Athena. The policy, titled 'Marine Hull Insurance Policy,'

                   national consumer commission has ordered
                                                              covered all risks for its tanker vessel 'MT Crystal' from
                                                              November 8, 2006, to November 7, 2007. The insurance
                   Reliance General Insurance Co. Ltd. to pay Rs.
                   68.60 lakhs with 12 per cent interest from 2008
          to a shipping firm. Reliance General had appealed against  coverage amounted to Rs. 14.78 crore, for which Seven paid
                                                              Rs. 6.72 lakhs in premiums and stamp duty in four
          the state's ruling, arguing that the shipping firm had  installments. During a journey to Kandla, Crystal's main
          withheld information when applying for an insurance policy  engine bearing was damaged in September 2007 due to the
          for its vessel. Reliance had sought information about past  presence of white metal inside the engine. Athena and
          accidents involving vessels owned by the firm.      Reliance were promptly informed.

          The commission noted that the incident cited by Reliance  Rejection reasons cited by Reliance
          to deny the claim did not qualify as an 'accident,' and that  Reliance rejected Seven's claim in September 2007, citing
          this fact had been concealed when the policy was taken.
                                                              that in the preceding two years, Seven had filed two
          The commission classified the damage to the 'main engine
                                                              insurance claims for 'M. T. Twinkle,' a sister vessel of the
          turbocharger' as an 'incident,' differentiating it from an  Seven Islands Shipping Limited fleet, with a different
          accident, which would require external force rather than
                                                              insurance firm. Reliance contended that accidents
          normal wear and tear, which is typically covered by
                                                              encompassed various incidents. Reliance even refunded
          insurance policies. It further clarified that for the second
                                                              the premium Seven had paid, which Seven later cashed.
          instance, the incident occurred after the policy was already  Seven Islands protested and served a legal notice to
          in effect. The national commission also upheld additional
          compensation for mental distress and litigation costs, to
          talling Rs. 1.25 lakh.                              During the hearing, Reliance asserted that 'MT Twinkle' had
                                                              been insured with IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company
          The order, dated July 31, was issued by Justice Ram Surat
                                                              Limited and had filed two insurance claims. Reliance argued
          Ram Maurya, presiding member, and Justice Karuna Nand  that due to the nondisclosure of these claims, the policy for
          Bajyapee, member of the National Consumer Disputes
                                                              Crystal had become void and was thus repudiated.
          Redressal Commission (NCDRC). It was made in response to
          an appeal by Mumbai-based Reliance General Insurance Co.  However, the commission overturned the rejection of the
          Ltd. against Seven Islands Shipping Ltd. & another and  Crystal claim, highlighting that the Crystal policy form had
          Athena Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers P. Ltd.    been completed in November 2006, while the IFFCO claims
                                                              were submitted later. The commission concluded that the
          Marine Hull Insurance Policy                        concealment of material facts was not substantiated,
          Seven Islands, a cargo and tanker shipping company, had  thereby upholding the state consumer commission's ruling
          acquired an insurance policy from Reliance General through  that Reliance General should honor the claim payment.

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