Page 14 - Insurance Times January 2018 Sample
P. 14

PM Bima schemes response tepid                            Bundled insurance prod-

         The response to three schemes      age in the case of accidental death,  ucts offer convenience
         launched by the government on the  and full or partial disability at Rs 2 lakh  HDFC Standard Life Insurance and
         Jan Dhan Yojana platform two years  and Rs 1 lakh, respectively.                            Apollo
         ago has not been upto expectations.  The scheme has an annual premium of                    Munich

         The three - the                                  Rs 12, and open for                        Health In-
         Pradhan      Mantri                              people of the age 18-                      surance
         Jeevan Jyoti Bima                                70.  According to the                      have come
         Yojana    (PMJJBY),                              government data,                           together to
         Pradhan      Mantri                              among the about 112                        offer    a
         Suraksha Bima Yojana                             million enrolled, so far                   combined
         (PMSBY), and Atal                                the government has                         product
         Pension Yojana (APY) -                           settled claims for    that takes care of health as well as
         were meant to pro-                               about 13,090 against  life insurance needs of an individual.
         vide insurance and pension to the eco-  17,689 claims.                 By filling a single form and undergo-
         nomically weaker sections of society.                                  ing just one medical test, if required,
                                            As regards the PMJJBY, the premium is
         The schemes were aimed to give uni-  slightly high compared to the PMSBY.  an individual can avail Click2Protect
         versal social security, especially to the  It is open for people in the age group  Health by paying a single premium.
         unorganised sector. Notably, in Novem-  18-50. The scheme provides a life cover  “Both the companies are offering
         ber, the enrolment in the Jan Dhan  of Rs 2 lakh, against an annual pre-  their flagship products through one
         Yojana was about 306 million.      mium of Rs 330. As of November,     policy. For customers, it works like
         Against this, in the same month, the  against the enrolment of about 35  one policy but at the back, they are
         enrolment in the PMSBY was about   million, the government settled claims  two independent products. In the
         112 million, while that of the PMJJBY  of about 76,096 applicants, against  policy document, on one side are
         was about 35 million, according to the  claims by about 82,828 individuals.  the details of health insurance with
         data with the government.          The Atal Pension Yojana is a pension  premium charged. On the other is
         The enrolment under the APY was    scheme that offers a guaranteed rate  information pertaining to life insur-
         around 6 million till August 2017, ac-  of 8 per cent assured return for the  ance,” says Antony Jacob, chief ex-
         cording to a government press release.  subscribers and also the opportunity of  ecutive officer Apollo Munich Health
         The government has now given banks  higher earnings in case the rate of re-  Insurance.
         specific targets for enrolment under  turn is higher than 8 per cent at the  As far as the life portion goes, the
         the APY.                           time of maturity, after staying invested  prospective policyholder can choose
                                            in the scheme for 20-42 years.
         "Like private banks, we have now been                                  only a term plan. The individual also
         given specific targets for enrolment in  Under the APY, the subscribers would  gets a five per cent discount on the
         the APY. We are organising special  receive a fixed minimum pension of Rs  premiums for buying this bundled
         camps for it. However, the problem is  1,000-5,000 per month, depending on  product. The discount makes the
         that people in general do not have an  their contributions.            pricing competitive. But a customer
         awareness about pension products,"  "While people have been willing to  can still find a cheaper health and
         according to an executive of a public  spend as little as Rs 12 for an accident  life insurance product in the market.
         sector bank.                       coverage scheme, not many are will-  If you are fine with sacrificing con-
         In general, the PMSBY has received a  ing to purchase a scheme that requires  venience over premiums, then you
         better response because of its low pre-  a higher premium," said an executive  can look at a separate life and health
         mium. The scheme provides risk cover-  of a public sector bank.        insurance.

          14  The Insurance Times, January 2018

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