Page 17 - Insurance Times January 2018 Sample
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Surgical Site Infection. Different infections have a different  in a patient during the process of care in a hospital or other
          prevalence rates in different wards related to source of  health care facility which was neither present nor incubating
          infection. Ventilator Associated Pneumonias are more  at the time of admission. HCAI can affect patients in any
          common in ICUs where patients are on assisted       type of setting where they receive care and can also appear
          ventilation. Surgical site infections are more frequent in  after discharge. Furthermore, they include occupational
          surgical wards. Catheter associated Urinary Tract   infections among staff. HCAI represents the most frequent
          Infections and Central Venous Catheter related Blood  adverse and preventable event during care delivery and no
          Stream Infections may have high prevalence in both  institution or country has ever been able to claim to have
          surgical and medical wards. Burns wards also have a high  solved the problem as yet.
          prevalence rate of HCAI. Gynecology & Obstetrics wards
          have usually a low prevalence of HCAIs.             Based on a significant amount of data made available from
                                                              various countries, it is estimated that each year, hundreds
          As the infective organisms originate from the hospital  of millions of patients around the world are affected by
          flora, they are resistant to many of the commonly used  HCAI. The burden of HCAI is several fold higher in low and
          antibiotics, thereby necessitating use of higher drugs and  middle-income countries than in high-income countries.HCAI
          higher cost of treatment.
                                                              results in prolonged hospital stays, long-term disability,
          The financial impact of this is seen in terms of increased  increased resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobials,
          burden of treatment costs, from increased Length of Stay  massive additional costs for health systems, high costs for
          (LOS) loss of earning due to high and prolonged morbidity  patients and their family, and unnecessary deaths.
          due to absenteeism and loss of earning life span of bread
          earner due to higher mortality. This increased cost of  Although HCAI is the most frequent adverse event in health
          treatment adds to the financial burden to the payers  care, its true global burden remains unknown because of
          namely, government, insurers as well as patients paying  the difficulty in gathering reliable data, most countries lack
          out of pocket.                                      surveillance systems for HCAI, and those that do have them
          Incidence of HCAI differs from country to country and from  struggle with the complexity and the lack of uniformity of
          hospital to hospital in different studies and hence the  criteria for diagnosing it.[1]
          financial burden varies accordingly. Cost of treatment can
          be reduced by controlling HCAI.                     Findings:

          Payers such as Government, Insurance companies and  Health care associated infection (HCAI), also referred to as
          Hospitals should get together to ensure mitigation of the  "nosocomial" or "hospital" infection, is an infection occurring
          risks of HCAI and bring down the cost of treatments in  in a patient during the process of care in a hospital or other
          hospitals.                                          health care facility which was not present or incubating at
                                                              the time of admission. HCAI can affect patients in any type
         Aim:                                                 of setting where they receive care and can also appear after
                                                              discharge. Furthermore, they include occupational
         The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of HCAI  infections among staff.[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
         on LOS, morbidity, mortality andhealth care costs.

         In an attempt to find all relevant information related to the
         topic an extensive search of literature in English language
         was performed using online search engines: PubMed, Google
         Scholar and other digital sources available online. Basis
         PRISMA guidelines 19 articles providing information on LOS
         and economic impact in the various types of HCAI were
         included in this review article.


         Health care associated infection (HCAI), also referred to as
         "nosocomial" or "hospital" infection, is an infection occurring

                                                                        The Insurance Times, January 2018 17

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