Page 36 - Insurance Times January 2024
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Furthermore, we remain open to evaluating and potentially  thereby implementing progressive regulations to realize a
          introducing other innovative distribution networks that align  resilient, customer-centric, and innovative insurance sector
          with the industry's growth and evolving consumer needs. Our  in Nepal.
          goal is to create a robust and inclusive framework that not
          only meets regulatory standards but also fosters healthy  Q. Is there any message or insight/ new initiative of the
          competition and customer-centric practices within the  Authority, you would like to share with the readers of
          insurance sector.                                   “The Insurance Times”?
                                                              A: Certainly, and I appreciate the opportunity to share some
          Q. What is your vision for the future of the insurance  insights with the readers of “The Insurance Times.” At the Nepal
          sector in Nepal and how do you see the role of the Nepal  Insurance Authority, we are committed to driving positive
          Insurance Authority in achieving that vision?       change and fostering innovation within the insurance sector.
          A: Our vision for the future of Nepal's insurance sector  One notable initiative involves overseeing mergers among
          revolves  around  creating  a  dynamic,  inclusive,  and
                                                              insurers to ensure a healthy market structure. Moreover, we
          technologically advanced industry that meets evolving  are  focused  on  strengthening  consumer  protection
          societal needs.
                                                              mechanisms, exploring microinsurance opportunities for
          In the pursuit of this vision, we are currently overseeing  underserved communities, and ensuring fair industry practices
          mergers among insurers to maintain a healthy market  as well as adopting international best practices such as Risk
          structure. Beyond increasing companies' overall net worth,  Based Capital (RBS) and Risk Based Supervision (RBS).
          this initiative enhances their risk-bearing capacity. Insurers  Embracing technology is at the forefront of our efforts.
          are actively working towards meeting the increased paid-  In addition, I am pleased to share that the Nepal Insurance
          up capital requirements, set at Rs. 5 billion for life insurers  Authority hosted the 'Asian Insurance Meet 2023,' a three-
          and Rs. 2.5 billion for non-life insurers. This initiative is  day conference held in cooperation with IAIS, ADB, and A2ii
          pivotal in establishing a stronger capital base, fostering a  from 8th to 10th June, 2023, in Kathmandu, Nepal. The
          more robust industry, and enabling a smoother transition  conference centered around the theme 'Building Resilience
          to risk-based approaches of capital and supervision. At  of Insurance towards Emerging Risks.'
          present, the number of life insurers has been streamlined
          to 14 from the previous 19, while the number of non-life  Looking ahead, in October 2024, the Authority is set to host
          insurers has undergone a similar consolidation, reducing to  the International Conference on Inclusive Insurance in
          14 from the earlier 20. Additionally, the sector includes 2  cooperation  with  Munich  Re  Foundation  and  the
          reinsurers and 7 microinsurers.                     Microinsurance Network.  These  conferences  provide
                                                              valuable platforms for collaboration, knowledge exchange,
          Integral to our vision is the strengthening of consumer  and shaping the future of insurance on a global scale.
          protection, exploration of microinsurance for underserved
          communities, and the promotion of fair industry practices.  In essence, the Nepal Insurance Authority is dedicated to
          In essence, the Nepal Insurance Authority is persistent in  steering the industry toward resilience, innovation and
          driving positive change, collaborating with stakeholders, and  customer-centric practices. We invite readers to stay tuned
          leveraging technology through a comprehensive full-scale  for updates on these initiatives through our official website
          digital  transformation,  exemplified  by  the  ongoing  and participate in the ongoing transformation of Nepal's
          implementation of IRMIS, ensuring operational efficiency,  insurance landscape.

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