Page 10 - Rotary International Mandela Day Celebrations 2021
P. 10

Rtn. Dr. Stella Anyangwe

                                         District Governor (RID 9400)

           Prof. Stella Anyangwe, MD, MPH, PhD, Medical Doctor, Epidemiologist and Global

           Health Expert, is a member of the RC Pretoria West, D9400. She was Honorary
           Professor at the School of Health Systems and Public Health, Faculty of Health
           Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, from 2014-2017, after
           retiring from the World Health Organization.

       Prof. Anyangwe retired from the World Health              (Rotarians for Family Health and AIDS prevention), a
       Organization in April 2013, after 17 years of service to   Rotary Action Group. She became a Paul Harris
       the Organization                                          Fellow in 2001, contributing towards education in
                                                                 honour of her mother, a devoted early child
       For 13 years (1998-2011) she was WHO Country
                                                                 educator who died in 2000. She’s now PHF+1.
       Representative in four countries in the African Region
                                                                 Rotarian Stella has been a Rotary Club member in
       (Seychelles, Mali, Zambia and South Africa
                                                                 Zambia, Congo, Nigeria, Seychelles, Mali and South
       Education:obtained MPH (1986) and PhD (1990)              Africa.
       degrees in Epidemiology at Tulane University, New
                                                                 In Rotary, her passion has been Membership,Shehas
       Orleans, USA. Had medical degree (MD in 1977) and
                                                                 been club president, Assistant Governor,and
       was a practicing physician and resident
                                                                 presently DG of District 9400 in 2021-22. She is the first
       nephrologist in Cameroon before going international
                                                                 BLACK WOMAN DG IN THE 100 YEARS OF ROTARY IN
       Prof Anyangwe continues to serve the African              SOUTH AFRICA!
       continent and the world at large as pro bono
                                                                 Rotarian Stella is married to Prof Carl Anyangwe, an
       member of international health NGOs.
                                                                 International Human Rights Lawyer and retired Rector
       Rotarian Stella Anyangwe had been a Rotarian since        of Walter Sisulu University, Butterworth Campus. He
       1995, In 1998, she became a Life Member of RFFA           too is a Rotarian and PHF. They have two adult
       (Rotarians for Fighting AIDS), now called RFHA            married children living in Europe.

                                                  Be optimistic

           “I am fundamentally an optimist. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s
          feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would
                         not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”

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