Page 9 - Rotary International Mandela Day Celebrations 2021
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                                              Rtn. Ravi Sehgal
                                      Past District Governor (RID 3291)

            Having done his schooling from St. Paul’s School – Mr.   EEPC in Germany (2007)with Prime Minister
            Sehgal completed his Bachelor of Technology from     Manmohan Singh and the EEPC Delegation to
            Benaras Hindu University Institute of Technology in   Turkey(2011) with Commerce Minister Jyotirditya
            Electrical Engineering. He has his Diploma in Business &   Scindia and very recently part of the EEPC delegation
            Industrial Management from Calcutta, besides         to Hannover, Germany with Prime Minister Narendra K.
            Diploma in Export Marketing from Baroda. He has      Modi.
            undertaken a special Management training course for   •  Past President of RC Belur (1992-93), he served the
            Young Business Men from Administrative Staff College    District at various level till be became Governor in
            of India (ASCI) Hyderabad. He is a keen sportsman       2000-01.
            having represented the school &college team in       •  He represented the District in Council of Legislation
            swimming, water polo and cricket. He has worked for
                                                                    (COL) at Chicago in 2007.
            two years in Saudi Arabia in a leading Engineering
                                                                 •  He has been the District Rotary Foundation Chair
            concern at Riyadh(Saudi Arabia), manufacturing
                                                                    (DRFC) for over 9 years with the last term being
            castings & helped increase production four times in
            that span of 2 years.
                                                                 •  He has initiated & co-ordinated Medical Missions to
            Since 1983 he holds the position of Managing Director in   Africa.
            Carnation Industries Limited, Kolkata’sleading Export
                                                                 •  He has represented Rotary International Presidents
            House manufacturing & exporting engineering goods.
                                                                    in Australia & USA.
            The Company he is heading is an ISO 9001:2015
                                                                 •  He was the ARRFC Zone 6A.
            company and has won several National and Regional
            Awards for the highest performance in EXPORTS of     •  Currently he is serving as the WASH Co-ordinator of
            Industrial & Sanitary Castings.                         Dist. 3291& other Districts in Zone6A.
                                                                 •  He has been felicitated by Highest Service Above
            He was the Regional Chairman of The Engineering
                                                                    Self Award, & TRF recognitions – Certificate of
            Export Promotion Council – Eastern Region (2000 –
                                                                    Meritorious Services
            2009).He is National Chairman of EEPC– India from
            2017-2020. He was the President of Institute of Indian   He is the Life member of the International Society of
            Foundrymen (IIF), an apex body of Foundries in India in   Krishna Consciousness, 4 Way Test Association of
            2008-2009. Currently he is the Editor of Indian Foundry   India, Benaras Hindu University Old Boys Association &
            Journal-published by IIF. He is the National Executive   Administrative Staff College of India Alumni. He has
            Committee Member of Indian Foundry Association. He   100% Attendance Record for the last 30 years. He is
            has represented EEPC & IIF at several National &     married to Ann Sumati and is blessed with two
            International Forums including INDEE, International   sons-Ranjan & Raghav.
            Exhibitions & World Foundry Form.He has been a part of
                                                                 Ravi & Sumati are 2nd Level Major Donors and their
            the Indian Delegation of
                                                                 sons are Paul Harris Fellows.
                                       Choose your friends wisely
                    “I like friends who have independent minds because they tend to make you see
                                               problems from all angles.”
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