Page 27 - Risk Management Bulletin January-February 2023
P. 27


               (iv) Metrics and Targets - Disclose the metrics and targets used to assess and manage
               relevant climate-related risks and opportunities where such information is material.
               Recommended Disclosure             Illustrative Examples
               a) Disclose the metrics used by the  REs may disclose:
                   organisation to assess and     • Risk and alignment metrics and targets used to assess the
                   manage relevant climate-related   impact of (physical and transition) climate-related risks and
                   risks and opportunities where     opportunities on their business activities in the short,
                   such information is material.     medium, and long term
               b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2 and, if  • Breakdown of metrics and targets by industry, geography,
                   appropriate and feasible, Scope 3  credit quality and average tenor
                   GHGs emission26, and the       • Scope 1 and 2 emissions of RE’s own operation
                   relevant risks.                • Scope 3 emissions for their lending, investing and other
               c) Describe the targets used by the   financial intermediary business activities where data and
                   organisation to manage climate-   methodologies may allow
                   related risks and opportunities  • Amount and percentage of carbon-related assets relative to
                   and performance against targets.  total assets as well as the amount of lending and other
                                                     financing connected with climaterelated opportunities
                                                  • Methodology used in relation to such metrics and targets
                                                     (e.g., calculation, standard adopted)
                                                  • Any verification and assurance of the disclosed metrics (e.g.,
                                                  • The extent to which their lending and other financial
                                                     intermediary business activities, where relevant, are aligned
                                                     with a well below 2°C scenario, using whichever approach
                                                     or metrics best suited to their organizational context or

             D.4.3 Operating Guidelines                          •   the materiality of climate-related risks RE is
             a.  REs may explore aligning their Climate-related      exposed to.
                 Financial Disclosures on the lines of the FSB’s TCFD
                 framework, which has increasingly been       D.4.4 Considering the evolving disclosure landscape,
                 recognised as a suitable basis for climate-related  REs may keep themselves updated on the global and
                 financial disclosures. Adapting the same would  domestic developments in this regard and should plan
                 also help improve the consistency and        to progressively enhance their disclosures. For instance,
                 comparability of the Climate-related Financial  while most REs may be less ready at this stage to report
                 Disclosures of the REs with their counterparts  Scope 3 emissions or concentrations of credit exposure
                 globally.                                    to carbon-related assets, they should start chalking out
                                                              a plan to obtain relevant information such as by
             b. REs may make such disclosures annually, to begin
                                                              collecting emission data from their customers.
                 with. They may use their sustainability reports,
                 annual reports, website, or a combination of them
                                                               Discussion Question 5: What could be the overall
                 to facilitate public access.
                                                               timeline for implementation of disclosure / TCFD
             c.  In view of the evolving developments in climate-  framework, and which recommendations should
                 related disclosures, a “comply-or-explain”    be prioritized? Should it begin with disclosure
                 approach may be adopted by the REs, considering:  around the qualitative aspects first, followed by
                 •   the significance of an RE’s operation, including  disclosure around quantitative aspects or both
                     the nature and size of its business, and,  together?

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