Page 31 - Risk Management Bulletin January-February 2023
P. 31




                                                AND DEATH

             S      eat belts came into existence in the late 1800s.  travelling at 100 km/ hr, a rear seat passenger weighing

                    Invented by George Cayley, an English aviation
                                                              about 80 kg and not secured with the help of a seat
                    innovator, the original purpose behind their
                                                              belt, is hurtled at an enormous force of 30,864 Joules
                    creation was to ensure that pilots were kept
             inside their gliders.                            in the event of a road crash. Needless to say, such
                                                              tremendous speed is capable of causing severe injuries
                                                              to both the said passenger and others, both within the
             It was not until February 10, 1885 that the first patented  vehicle and outside.
             seat belt came into existence. Created by Edward J
             Claghorn, it was meant to keep tourists safe in New  In the event that back seat passengers fail to secure
             York City taxis. Ever since, seat belts have gradually  themselves with seat belts, there are three ways in
             made their way into our daily lives and have rightfully  which they are prone to injuries.
             become our first line of defence while on the move on
             roads across the world.                          Y  The first includes the situation where their bodies
                                                                 come in contact with the interior of the vehicle.
             This, though, was the rudimentary phase of the genesis  Such an occurrence takes place in high impact
             of seat belts.                                      crashes during which the collision between a
                                                                 passenger’s body and the vehicle’s interior happen
             The 3-point seat belt                               at speeds capable of severe repercussions.
             The seat belt as we know it now came into existence in  Y  The second manner is wherein unfastened
             1959 after Swedish engineer Nils Bohlin invented the  passengers collide with fellow passengers causing
             V-type three-point seat belt at the behest of Volvo. Up  severe bodily harm to all parties.
             until then, seat belts were two-point lap belts — as we
                                                              Y  The third way in which unfastened rear seat
             now see in aeroplanes. This elementary design helped
             strap drivers and passengers with a buckle that was  passengers are prone to injury or death is by their
             fastened over the abdomen. In comparison, the       ejection through the windscreen and windows of
                                                                 the vehicle. During various forensic crash
             innovative three-point seat belt provides much better
             protection to drivers and passengers in the event of a  investigations undertaken by SaveLIFE Foundation,
                                                                 bodies have been found at a significant distance
             road crash. By virtue of its design, this seat belt, which
             helps secure both the upper and lower parts of the body  away from the crashed vehicles they were
             in a much more firm manner, has helped save millions  travelling in.
             of lives globally over the years.
                                                              Required by the law
             How seat belts protect                           Road crashes entail two primary components: cause of
             This fact is corroborated by simple science. In a vehicle  crash and cause of injury. The former deals with matters

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