Page 120 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 120

The Insurance Times

              for a period>3 days and is > 16 years of age.
         (v) Actual medical expenses - up to maximum of

              Rs.12,500 any each case to Rs. 6,000.
         (vi) Actual damage to property - up to Rs.6,000.

         The right to claim relief in respect of death, injury to
         any person, or damage to property shall be in addition
         to any other right to claim compensation in respect of
         any other law (e.g, common law) in force for the time

         However, if the owner, liable to give claim for relief, is
         also liable to pay compensation under any other law, the
         amount of such compensation shall be reduced by the
         amount of relief paid under this Act.

Q2. A civil action for negligence can only be sustained
         when certain conditions are satisfied. Enumerate
         and explain the conditions.

Ans. Repeat of Q10 of May 2007 & Q2 of May 2008

         In simple words, negligence means 'absence of care'. A
         civil action for negligence can be sustained when:
         (i) there is an existence of duty of care towards the

              injured party.

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