Page 129 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 129
Guide for Liability Insurance
(ii) Occupancy or storage - numbers of beds, rooms,
boarders, guests, etc.
(iii) Ratio of limits of indemnity - AOA.
(iv) Turnover - this includes all the revenue earned
through occupancy in the hotel, sale of food and
beverages including liquor, conferences, marriage
parties, outside catering, rentals received from
shopping arcades, revenue earned from guests for
using hotel facilities and sale across the counter and
other miscellaneous incomes including taxes, levies
and surcharge.
(v) Seating capacity- of Conference Halls, Rooms,
Night clubs, Discoquethes, if any, and the floor on
which they are located.
(vi) Number of boarders.
Additional premium is charged for some extensions.
(b) Mention the extensions of cover under this policy
available at extra premium.
Ans. Some of the extensions are as follows:
(i) property in custody of the insured -the endorsement
provides that the insurances extended to include legal
liability of the insured for loss or damage to property
of residents or bonafide guests whilst under the care,
control and custody of the insured in the premises
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