Page 128 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 128

The Insurance Times

         Common Law or Workmen's compensation Act.

         If the insured is held under Common Law for negligence,
         the policy will indemnify him in respect of the amount
         of damages awarded against him. To the extent that
         there is no monetary limit to the amount of damages
         awarded under Common Law, it may be stated that the
         employer's liability policies provide unlimited indemnity.

         In actual practice however, claims against employers
         under common Law are very rare. If the employer's
         liability arises under Workmen's Compensation Act, the
         damages awarded are according to the scale prescribed
         in the Act, and the employer is indemnified accordingly.

         The current practice is to include the legal costs and
         expenses incurred by the insured in the indemnity

Q6. (a) Give an outline of premium rating process
         under public liability policy for hotel.

Ans. The various factors which influence the premium for
         non-industrial risks are:
         (i) the type of construction the hotel, materials used
              for the construction of the hotel, use of plate glass
              or not

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