Page 185 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 185

Guide for Liability Insurance

      For e.g, a defect in a particular batch of injections may
      result in injuries to large number of people simultaneously
      or one after another.

      All such claims are clubbed together for the purpose of
      applying the limit of indemnity for any one accident.
      Thus, the Indemnity Limit applies to any one claim or a
      series of Claims arising from one originating cause.

      The clause also provides for a time limitation. Claims
      arising from one specific cause made after 3 years after
      the first claim of the series are not covered.

Q10.  Write short notes on any 3:
Ans:  (a) Devendrakumar Vs Nirmalabai (1945) - The
      proprietor of a cinema, Devendrakumar Patni failed to
      provide a step at the exit of the premises. The exit door
      was further blocked by a car which was parked
      negligently. The plaintiff, Nirmalabai broke her leg while
      leaving for cinema. It was a held that the accident was
      caused by the defendant's negligence in not supplying a
      step and the danger of accident was further aggravated
      by the parking of the car which the proprietor could
      have prevented. Accordingly, the cinema proprietor
      Devendrakumar was held liable to pay damages.

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