Page 28 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 28

The Insurance Times

         The coverage is subject to the condition that :
         (a) the swimming pool is maintained in hygienic condition

              with regular cleaning and maintenance.
         (b) sanitary arrangements are proper, and
         (c) lifeguards/attendants are on duty when the pool is

              in use. The limits of indemnity selected form part of
              the overall limits.

(v) Other facilities - legal liability for death or bodily
    injury or loss of or damage to or loss of use of
    property etc arising out of accidents caused by the
    use of such facilities subject to conditions that the

(a) the hotel premises are kept in a state of good repair
    and maintenance.

(b) properly trained personnel take care of operation
    of such facilities, and

(c) the materials used are proper and free of defect.

Q9. With reference to public liability policy (industrial
         (a) Describe the provisions of Indemnity Clause.
         (b) Mention the exclusions which in fact can be covered
              under other policies.

Ans.a. The Indemnity clause covers the following by definitions
         (a) 'injury' means death, bodily injury, illness or disease
              . These are known as personal injuries. The policy

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