Page 64 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 64
The Insurance Times
liability under the Act.
(iii) arising under any other legislation except those
provided in Section 8, Subsection 1 and 2 of the
Act. Subsection 1 provides that the right to claim
relief under the Act shall be in addition to any other
right to claim compensation under any other law
(e.g common law). Subsection 2 provides that where
the owner is liable to give claim for relief under the
Act, is also liable to pay compensation under any
other law, the amount of such compensation being
reduced by the amount of relief treat under the Act.
(iv) in respect of damage to property owned, leased etc
by the insured or in his custody. For this the insured
can avail of a separate material damage policy.
(v) war and kindred perils.
(vi) nuclear risks.
Q7. List out the specific questions relating to the risk
asked in the proposal form for public liability
(Non-industrial risks) policy for the following
Ans: (a)Hotels/Restaurants -(i) maximum number of beds.
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