Page 14 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 14




         Acquiring company  not entitled  to appoint  target
                                                                                Foreign award declined
         company directors: SC                                                  in absence of agreement
         The Supreme Court has set aside the  pointment of directors during the 'of-  The Delhi High Court has declined to
         ruling of the Securities Appellate Tribu-  fer period' violated Regulation 22(7) of          enforce a
         nal (SAT) and held that an acquiring  the SEBI Acquisition of Shares and Take-
                                                                                                      f o r e ig n
         company, its directors and as-            over Regulations. It imposed a                     a w a r d
         sociates cannot appoint direc-            penalty of Rs 25 lakh on the
         tors  of  the target company              acquirers.                                         there was
         during the offer period. In this          However, SAT reversed the or-  no express agreement between a
         case,  Securities  &  Exchange            der on the question when the  Singapore exporter, Virgoz, and Na-
         Board of India vs Burren Energy           offer period starts. According  tional Agricultural Coop Federation
         India Ltd, the acquisition of an          to it, the period is one between
         Indian company was done by an English  the date of entering the memorandum  of India (NAFED) on buying palm oil.
         company via entities in Mauritius and  of understanding or public announce-  The arbitral tribunal constituted un-
         California.                                                            der the Palm Oil Refiners Association
                                            ment and the date of completion of for-
         Two directors were appointed on the  malities. Reversing the ruling, the Su-  of Malaysia Rules had accepted the
         board of the target company on the  preme Court declared that the period  claim of the Singapore firm against
         date of the share purchase agreement.  started from the date of a concluded  NAFED.
         The public announcement was made   contract, namely the share purchase  It moved the high court for the ex-
         the next day. SEBI found that the ap-  agreement.                      ecution  of the award. NAFED re-
                                                                                sisted, arguing that there was  no
         Casual labour circulars quashed                                        signed contract and there were only
         The Uttaranchal High Court has described the attitude of the central govern-  negotiations  through a  broker.
                                ment as "callous" which issued instructions to its au-  Virgoz showed communications be-
                                thorities in  the northern border  areas that casual  tween  the two  entities as binding
                                workers should not be allowed to complete 240 days  contracts.
                                of continuous service lest they claim regularisation un-  Deciding the case, Virgoz Oils & Fats
                                der labour laws.                                PTE vs NAFED, the court accepted

                                While quashing such circulars, the court directed the  the version of NAFED, stating that
         government to frame a scheme to absorb workers who had completed 240 days,  there was no meeting of minds or
         pay them minimum wages, implement all labour laws, provide them well-lit, airy  agreement in writing, which was a
         pre-fabricated houses, free medical care at military hospitals and other benefits.  requirement of the Arbitration Act.

            14 | 2017 | JANUARY                                                            | BANKING FINANCE

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