Page 19 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 19




          IT probes co-op bank with 3,000 new accounts after                    Cooperative bank heads
          demonetisation                                                        plan to meet RBI governor
          The Income Tax department is looking into at least 4,500 accounts at the Citi-  The heads and chief officers of all
                                  zen Credit Cooperative Bank Ltd that were either  district central  cooperative (DCC)
                                  opened or activated after the demonetisation of Rs             banks    from
                                  1,000 and Rs 500 notes on November 8. According                Mah arash tra
                                  to sources, the bank, which has branches across                have decided to
                                  Maharashtra, Goa and Daman, received at least Rs               meet  Reserve
                                  275 crore in demonetised currency notes in the last            Bank  of  India
          month-and-a-half.                                                                      (RBI)  governor
          Following a survey, the tax authority reportedly found that about 3,000 new            Urjit Patil  and
          accounts were opened while over 1,500 dormant accounts were re-activated               officials of  Na-
          after November 10. "Apart from this, about 60 accounts were closed since No-  tional Bank for Agriculture and Ru-
          vember 10 after these accounts saw deposits in old currency and quick with-  ral Development (NABARD).
          drawals/ transfers through Real-Time Gross Settlement Systems (RTGS)," said I-  Over 60% of the rural people are di-
          T sources.                                                            rectly dependent  on DCC  banks.
                                                                                Pensioners and self-help groups also
          Alwar's Cooperative Bank cashier commits suicide over
                                                                                have accounts  with  them. After
          interrogation                                                         demonetisation, the RBI prohibited
          Distressed over the interrogation of Special Operations Group (SOG) wing of  cooperative banks to exchange old
          Rajasthan police, a 52-year-old cashier of Alwar's Urban              notes with new ones, and stopped
          Cooperative Bank committed suicide by consuming poi-                  the process of depositing money in
          sonous substance at a hotel near  Mathura  in  Uttar                  scrapped currency.
          Pradesh.                                                              Vijaysinha Chavan, chief officer of
          The deceased, Jhamman Lal, was the cashier of Alwar's                 Kolhapur said, "The Supreme Court
          Cooperative Bank where the SOG had arrested five people for alleged embezzle-  has asked  the RBI to get deposits
          ment of Rs 16 crore and illegal money exchange of Rs 1.38 crore. The family  with DCC banks submitted and infuse
          members alleged that he was summoned by the SOG for the interrogation.  currency in rural banks to provide
                                                                                relief  to the  farmers, daily  wage
          "He was broken and dejected after the interrogation. On returning home, he
                                                                                labourers and other sections of the
          asked us that he was going to religious place Govardhan for offering prayers.  society facing troubles due to cash
          In the morning, Uttar Pradesh police intimated us about his suicide," said a
          relative.                                                             crunch."

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                             JANUARY | 2017 | 19

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