Page 37 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 37


                                                                 future customers. It tries to analyze data about custom-
                                                                 ers  history with a company, to improve business rela-
                                                                 tionships with customers, specifically focusing on cus-
                                                                 tomer retention, and ultimately to drive sales growth.

                                                                 One important aspect of the CRM approach is the sys-
                                                                 tem of CRM that compile information from a range of
                                                                 different  communication channels  including  a
                                                                 company's website, telephone, email, live chat, mar-
                                                                 keting materials, social media, and more. Through the
                                                                 CRM approach and the systems used to facilitate CRM,
                                                                 businesses learn more about their target audiences and
                                                                 how to best cater to their needs.

                                                              4. Sourcing & Procurement:
                                                                 In business, the term sourcing refers to a number of pro-
                                                                 curement practices, aimed at finding, evaluating and
                                                                 engaging suppliers for acquiring goods and services.
          1. Supply Chain Management (SCM)                       Outsourcing is the process of contracting a business
             SCM is the management of the flow of goods and ser-  function  to someone  else.,  select vendors  for
             vices. It includes the movement and storage of raw ma-  sustainability rating for their  products, services and
             terials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods  operations.
             from point -of- origin to point- of-consumption. Inter-
             connected or interlinked networks, channels and node  5. Product Life Cycle Management:
             businesses are involved in the provision of products and  In industry, PLC is the process of managing the entire
             services required by end customers in a supply chain.
                                                                 lifecycle of a product from inception, through engineer-
              Adopt techniques and plans to minimize inventory  ing design and manufacture, to service and disposal of
                 and wasted freight.                             manufactured products.
              Adopt networked design using a carbon foot print.    Design and offer banking products & services in such
                                                                     a way that consume less resources and energy and
          2. Enterprise Resource Management (ERP)                    thereby reduce carbon foot print.
             ERP is a category of business-management software,     Implement effective systems for product end- of-
             typically a suite of integrated applications that an or-  life management that have minimal impact on
             ganization can use to collect, store, manage and inter-  environment.
             pret data from many business  activities, including prod-
             uct planning, purchase, manufacturing or service deliv-  Green Banking Services
             ery ,marketing and sales, inventory management, ship-
                                                              Banks are developing new products and services that re-
             ping and payment.
                                                              spond to customers demand for sustainable choices. Follow-
              It facilitates paper less transactions.        ing are some of the options that banks should offer to their

              Adopt techniques for workforce and parts optimi-  customers:
                 zation as well as intelligent device management.   Electronic and mobile banking facilitates customers to
                                                                 perform most of their banking needs anytime, any-
          3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)              where.
             Customer relationship management is an approach to   Automatic payments reduce the need to write and send
             managing a company's interaction with current and   cheques by mail.

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                             JANUARY | 2017 | 37

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