Page 38 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 38


            Paperless statements, product information guides and   Green Banking through internal operations: It means
             annual reports to customers and stakeholders.       all bank should adopt green banking activities in their
            Offering and promoting mutual funds that focus invest-  day to day operations. These include adopting appro-
             ment in 'Green' companies.                          priate ways to use renewable energy, automation and
                                                                 minimizing their carbon footprint. In the past few years,
            Credit cards and debit cards can be used while making
                                                                 all the banks have incorporated paperless technologies
             the payment  of various expenses without  carrying
                                                                 in their internal operations to help the environment as
                                                                 well as provide their customers efficient and better ser-
            Mobile banking is used for performing balance cheques,  vices. In their day-to-day business operations, banks
             account transactions, payments, credit appliances etc.,  ordinarily generate carbon emissions through the usage
             via mobile phone or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).  of paper, electricity, stationary, lighting, air condition-
                                                                 ing and electronic equipment. Green banking internal
         Challenges of Green Banking                             operations include online account opening, online bank-
                                                                 ing, mobile banking, net banking, electronic fund trans-
         While adopting green banking practices, the banks would
         face the following challenges:                          fer as well as the use of ATM, cash and cheque deposit
                                                                 machines, credit and  debit cards, e-statement SMS
            Reputational Risk: If banks are involved in those projects
                                                                 alert, mini image statement etc.
             which are damaging the environment they are prone
             lose their reputation. There are few cases where envi-   Green Finance: Green Finance refers to banks that pro-
             ronmental management system has resulted in cost    vide financial assistance to environmentally responsible
             saving, increase in bond value.                     projects. The purpose is to provide financial assistance
                                                                 to green technology and pollution reduction projects to
            Diversification Problem: Green banks restrict their busi-
             ness transaction to those business entities who qualify  reduce external carbon emissions. The bank support
                                                                 industries that are resource efficient and emit low car-
             screening process done by green banks. With limited
                                                                 bon footprint. Priority is given to financing eco-friendly
             number of customers they will have a smaller base to
                                                                 business activities and energy efficient industries such
             support them.
                                                                 as waste water treatment plant, waste disposal plants,
            Start-up face: Many banks in green business are very
                                                                 bio-gas plants, renewable energy projects, hybrid car
             new and are in start-up face. Generally it takes 3 to 4
                                                                 projects and so on.
             years for a bank to start making money. Thus it does
             not help banks during recession.
                                                              Environmental Management by Banking
            Credit Risk: Credit risk arises due to lending to those
             customers whose businesses are effected by the cost of  Institutions
             pollution, change in environmental regulation and new  Now a days, most of the commercial lending process in dif-
             requirements of emission level.                  ferent parts of the world scrutinizes projects with a set of
                                                              tools by incorporating environmental concerns in their day-
            High operating cost: Green bank requires talented and
                                                              to-day business. The financial institutions should encourage
             experienced staff to provide proper services to custom-
                                                              projects which take care of the following aspects while fi-
             ers. Experienced loan officers are needed; they give
                                                              nancing them.
             additional experience in dealing with green business and
             customers.                                        There should be an Environmental Impact Assessment
                                                                 (EIA) of each project recommending the  measures
         Green Banking Strategies                                needed to prevent, minimize and mitigate the environ-
                                                                 mental negative impact before financing the projects.
         According to Md Shafiqul and Prahalled (2013), green bank-
         ing activities involve two major approaches i.e., green trans-   While investing or funding the projects, the financial
         formation of internal operation and environmentally respon-  institutions should assess the sensitive issues like vulner-
         sible financing.                                        able groups; involuntary displacement etc and projects

            38 | 2017 | JANUARY                                                            | BANKING FINANCE

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