Page 43 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 43


          Objectives:                                         Conclusion:
           To enable the banks to meet PSL requirements and  Once upon a time Priority sectors Lending was considered
             allow leveraging of their comparative advantage  as neglected sectors of economy. It is well known fact that
           To give an option to the banks to come out of the in-  these sectors contribute a lot for the growth of an economy.
             vestment under RIDF (earns low returns to the banks)  Due to one or the other reasons, most of the banks finds it
                                                              difficult in achieving the benchmarks stipulated by Reserve
           To allow a more efficient implementation of the prior-
             ity sector lending mandate                       Bank of India under PSL.
           To separate the objective of transferring  priority sec-  We all know that resources available to the banks are not
             tor obligations from the credit risk transfer and refi-  uniform everywhere and expecting everyone to achieve the
             nancing aspects, which are co-mingled in the Inter Bank  uniform benchmarks under priority sector lending resulting
             participation certificates (IBPC)                in shortfall in achieving PSL targets.

           To create innovative ways of earning fee based income
             to banks                                         Issue and purchase mechanisms of PSLCs are very good
                                                              opportunity for the banks not only in achieving the targets
          Benefits:                                           under PSL but, very good fee based income to the seller
           PSLCs will make credit available at optimal cost due to  banks which ultimately increases the profitability to the
             market driven pricing mechanism                  banks.
           No risk sharing mechanism, the loan would continue
                                                              Banks are somewhat comfortable in achieving Priority sec-
             to be on the books of the original lender        tor lending targets after the issue of revised guidelines on
           It removes unnecessary price arbitrage and inefficiency  priority sector  lending guidelines  with effect  from
             that bilateral transactions as exists in IBPCs   23.04.2015. No doubt that financing to PSL sector by the
                                                              Indian banks brought a change in the economy, yet it is not
           It increases fee based income to the bank (Seller) and
                                                              free from some issues and inconveniences.
             thereby increases the profitability to the banks
           It adds efficiency in meeting the targets  on priority  It is the long awaited need of the hour that banks have been
             sector lending                                   given an innovative creative approach by the regulators in
           It creates a deep and liquid forward market       achieving the PSL targets which will facilitates banks in sus-
                                                              taining nation's priority.
           No need for investing under RIDF due to which drain
             on the bank's profitability
           Getting regulatory  clearances/approvals from  RBI/  1.  A Hundred Small Steps -Chapter 5 on the  Report of the
             NABARD etc  is easy                                 committee on financial sector reforms 2008

           It creates a kind of competition among the banks  2.  C S Saurav Malpani, Priority Sectors lending Certificates -
                                                                 Long awaited need of the industry, March 3'2015
           It indirectly enhances the credit culture among the
             banks                                            3.  RBI circular dated 07.04.2016 on 'Priority sector lending
           No additional cost associated with managing such as-
             sets                                             4.  RBI circular dated 07.04.2016 "RBI - launches portal for
                                                                 trading PSLCs"
           Saving on the part of acquiring bank as servicing fee
                                                              5.  Sandeep singh,  The Indian  Express dated  12.04.2016
             for managing such assets gets eliminated
                                                                 "Banking on reforms"
           No maximum limit or ceilings on the amount of PSLCs
                                                              6., speech delivered by U S Paliwal
             that could be purchased for achievement of various

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